mp3guy / Kintinuous

Real-time large scale dense visual SLAM system

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error: #include <boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp> no such file

voyage19941119 opened this issue · comments

I am using ubuntu 14.04
if I built it as the ,erro will conme out: in MainController.cpp ,
#include <boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp> ,but it cannot find the file :boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp.
I checked it on boost official website ,only when boost version >=1.58 , there we can find boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp.
However ,if I do it as the ,when install pcl1.7, libboost1.54 will be auto installed,and under boost/algorithm,there is no algrithm.hpp.
so I download boost 1.63 ,and install it. then after 'make -j8',error comes that:undefined reference to `boost::this_thread::hidden::sleep_until(timespec const&)' , just as the brother before issued.
so which version of boost and which version of PCL are you using? # #

q vzc2i tsf q ktlvw4

@mp3guy @ please help, has bother me for a few days .thanks a lot


Change MainController.cpp, and update reference to algorithm.hpp is (corrected for Ubuntu 14.04)

#include <boost/detail/algorithm.hpp>//#include <boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp>

Thanks for help! now I have built Kintinuous,but not totally successfully I suppose. when I run Kintinuous,here comes another error:what(): Pangolin X11: Failed to open X display,what does that mean? I use the dataset vocab.yml.gz as directed @mp3guy

The memory problem you mentioned earlier also happens to me, but not always. Hard to say what is the issue.

Regarding this new issue, did Pangolin build correctly? Did you run the build script?

Again,thanks very much for your patience!
Yes, I run .
When building Pangolin,during Cmake,I notice two abnormal :1" Doxygen not found ",solved by sudo apt-get install doxygen . 2 " Oculus not found",this one I don't know what to do ,so I just go on and build Pangolin

thanks for help .
now I get it ,I built Kintinuous on a server , and running it remotely through xShell,that's the problem : I need to build it under GUI on my own computer with GPU