mp3guy / ElasticFusion

Real-time dense visual SLAM system

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Error: context is destroyed: /home/bob/ElasticFusion/ElasticFusion/Core/src/Cuda/convenience.cuh:68

a333klm opened this issue · comments

I use the Core API.
I could create a Pangolin Context.
I could call processFrame().

The error occurs here:
ElasticFusion.cpp:processFrame(): frameToModel.initFirstRGB(textures[GPUTexture::RGB]);
RGBDOdometry.cpp:initFirstRGB(): imageBGRToIntensity(textPtr, lastNextImage[0]); cudaSafeCall(cudaBindTextureToArray(inTex, cuArr));

Maybe it has to do something with the opengl context. #199
Or some cuda configuration when building. #52

Any suggestions?

Solved it. As mentioned in the manual you need to create an OpenGL Context before creating an ElasticFusion Object.
If this runs in a different thread than your processFrame call you might get a problem.
It is needed to "unbind" the context. In Pangolin it is done with


Look also here:

Thanks for your sharing very much~~
Could you please tell me how was your problem solved?I'm not sure what to change in the code.