mozilla-services / telescope

A dumb auditing service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Status Sustain CircleCI

Telescope is a small Web app that will act as a proxy between a monitoring service — like Pingdom or Upptime — and a series of domain specific checks for your infrastructure.


Every check defined in your configuration file is exposed as an endpoint that returns 200 if successful or 5XX otherwise:

GET /checks/{a-project}/{a-check}

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 260
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 13:29:55 GMT
Server: Python/3.7 aiohttp/3.5.4

    "name": "a-check",
    "project": "a-project",
    "url": "/checks/a-project/a-check",
    "module": "checks.core.heartbeat",
    "documentation": "URL should return a 200 response.",
    "description": "Some check description.",
    "success": true,
    "parameters": {},
    "data": {
        "ok": true

The response has some additional "data", specific to each type of check.

Cache can be forced to be refreshed with the ?refresh={s3cr3t} querystring. See Environment variables section.

Other endpoints:

  • /checks: list all checks, without executing them.
  • /checks/{a-project}: execute all checks of project a-project
  • /checks/tags/{a-tag}: execute all checks with tag a-tag
  • /checks/tags/{tag1}+{tag2}: execute all checks having both tags tag1 and tag2

Output format:

  • Request header Accept: plain/text: renders the check(s) as a human readable table.


The checks are defined in a config.toml file, and their module must be available in the current PYTHONPATH:

description = "Heartbeat of the public read-only instance."
module = "checks.core.heartbeat"
params.url = ""

description = "Normandy over Remote Settings."
module = "checks.normandy.remotesettings_recipes"
params.normandy_server = ""
params.remotesettings_server = ""
ttl = 3600
tags = ["critical"]
  • description: Some details about this check
  • module: Path to Python module
  • params: (optional) Parameters specific to the check
  • ttl: (optional) Cache the check result for a number of seconds
  • tags: (optional) List of strings allowing grouping of checks at /tags/{tag}

Environment variables

The config file values can refer to environment variables (eg. secrets) using the ${} syntax.

module = "checks.remotesettings.collections_consistency"
params.url = "http://${ENV_NAME}"
params.auth = "Bearer ${AUTH}"

Server configuration

Server configuration is done via environment variables:

  • CONFIG_FILE: Path to configuration file (default: "config.toml")

  • CONTACT_EMAIL: Contact email for this instance (default: postmaster@localhost)

  • DIAGRAM_FILE: Path to SVG diagram file (default: "diagram.svg")

  • CORS_ORIGIN: Allowed requests origins (default: *)

  • ENV_NAME: A string to identify the current environment name like "prod" or "stage" (default: None)

  • HOST: Bind to host (default: "localhost")

  • PORT: Listen on port (default: 8000)

  • DEFAULT_TTL: Default TTL for endpoints in seconds (default: 60)

  • DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS: Default headers sent in every HTTP requests, as JSON dict format (example: {"Allow-Access": "CDN"}, default: {})


  • LOG_FORMAT: Set to text for human-readable logs (default: json)

  • VERSION_FILE: Path to version JSON file (default: "version.json")

  • REFRESH_SECRET: Secret to allow forcing cache refresh via querystring (default: "")

  • REQUESTS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: Timeout in seconds for HTTP requests (default: 5)

  • REQUESTS_MAX_RETRIES: Number of retries for HTTP requests (default: 4)

  • SENTRY_DSN: Report errors to the specified Sentry "https://<key><project>" (default: disabled)

  • SERVICE_NAME: Name of the running service, used to link known issues in bug tracker (default: telescope)

  • SERVICE_TITLE: Title shown in the UI (default: capitalized service name)

  • BUGTRACKER_URL: Bug tracker URL. Set to empty string to disable. (default:

  • BUGTRACKER_API_KEY: Bug tracker API key to fetch non-public bugs (default: none)

  • BUGTRACKER_TTL: Default TTL for endpoints in seconds (default: 3600)

  • HISTORY_DAYS: Number of days to cover whening fetch history of checks (default: 0, disabled)

  • HISTORY_TTL: Default TTL for history refresh in seconds (default: 3600)

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Github Personal Access Token value to avoid rate-limiting (default: disabled)

  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: Absolute path to credentials file for BigQuery authentication (eg. `pwd`/key.json, default: disabled)

  • CURL_BINARY_PATH: path to curl command (default: curl)

  • TROUBLESHOOTING_LINK_TEMPLATE: Pattern for troubleshooting links, with {project} and {check} placeholders (default:{project}/{check})

Configuration can be stored in a .env file:

# Disable JSON logs

Run Web server

Using Docker, and a local config file:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v `pwd`/config.toml:/app/config.toml mozilla/telescope

Or from source (requires Python 3.10+ and Poetry):

make start

Web UI

A minimalist Web page is accessible at /html/index.html and shows every check status, along with the returned data and documentation.

A SVG diagram can be shown in the UI (see DIAGRAM_FILE). Elements of the SVG diagram will be turned red or green based on check results. Set the id attribute of relevant diagram elements to ${project}--${name} (eg. remotesettings-uptake--error-rate) and the app will toggle the fill attribute.

Bug tracker integration

The list of known issues for each check can be obtained from the configured bug tracker (see configuration section to disable).

The default implementation is for Bugzilla, and retrieves the bugs which have a certain string in their whiteboard field. For example, if the SERVICE_NAME is delivery-checks and ENV_NAME is prod, the bugs for the check server/heartbeat should have delivery-checks prod server/heartbeat in their whiteboard field to be listed.

If the bugs are only readable by authenticated users, then set BUGTRACKER_API_KEY to retrieve them all. Note that for security bugs only bug IDs are shown, summaries will be empty.


Using Docker, and a local config file:

docker run -v `pwd`/config.toml:/app/config.toml mozilla/telescope check

docker run -v `pwd`/config.toml:/app/config.toml mozilla/telescope check myproject

docker run -v `pwd`/config.toml:/app/config.toml mozilla/telescope check myproject mycheck

Or from source (requires Python 3.8+ and Poetry):

make check

make check project=myproject

make check project=myproject check=mycheck

Return codes:

  • 0: all checks were successful
  • 1: some check failed
  • 2: some check crashed (ie. Python exception)


make tests

Or run pytest through poetry to pass arguments:

poetry run pytest -s -k log


Telescope is licensed under the MPLv2. See the LICENSE file for details.


A dumb auditing service

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 83.6%Language:JavaScript 12.9%Language:CSS 1.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.7%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:HTML 0.3%