mozboz / transmediale-apps

App development for Transmediale

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Repo for apps to be presented at Transmediale.

App guidelines:

  • Be interactive. App should be interacted with, in intuitive, discoverable ways. It should be possible to discover what is possible by clicking around the UI in an exploratory way. The app should use recognisable user interface components (e.g. text boxes, buttons), and rely on Some users will explore, some will not; assume two vectors of discovery: playing with your app, and watching/talking to people who are playing with the app.
  • Be multi-player. Your app may be interacted with by many people simultaneously. It should be responsive to many people interacting with it at once. You might want to separate out the 'Input' part of the app from the 'Report/Feedback/Display' part of the app. For example, an Input screen might be the part you want users to go to and have two buttons - a smily face and a sad face, and be compatibel with any device. The 'Display' part might be a pie chart that shows counts of how many people have clicked on which face, and be designed mainly to run on a PC screen or Projector.
  • Be multi-platform. We have various options for your app to be interacted with: Projector (assume low res fuzzy projector! e.g. 1024x768), Mobile: (make it work low res, or scale), Desktop/Tablet. Any interactive parts of your app should be viewable on a mobile phone browser.
  • Design the interaction. How do you want the app to be interacted with? All on users' mobile phone? With 10 desktop PC 'terminals' people will interact with and one display showing aggregated information on a projector? Include this in a readme as part of the submission so that it can be accounted for.
  • Be easy to deploy! It must be fast and easy to deploy on a Linux machine (work to either a Raspberry Pi, or Ubuntu 12.04LTS running on a $50 PC), and any required configuration must be documented or conventional (particularly: http port, database setup, database configuration, file permissions). Try and keep to a simple app that doesn't use too much memory in case your app can be run on a shared server. Assume availability of common scripting languages, LAMP-type stack, MySQL, etc. If you need a big framework, or server side processes, then make sure it can all be easily deployed with apt-get on Ubuntu12.04LTS, and that the http port is configurable - you may not own port 80. If you want/need a whole machine to run your app on, this is probably possible (bring your own? assume $50 PC with Ubuntu 12.04LTS), but you're responsible for making it easy to get that machine up and running fast!
  • Be hackable. A 5 file simple PHP application that uses page refreshes will be more fun for everyone to hack on than a huge reactive javascript framework that takes 20 hours to learn.
  • It will run offline Your app can be configured on a machine that is connected tothe internet but that machine will be running on a network that is not connected to the Internet after your app has been configurd. You may be able to communicate with other nodes on the network.


App development for Transmediale