moveit / moveit_ros


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Schunk LWA4P joint 5 angle’s origin changes on Robot On/OFF

SaranKanag opened this issue · comments

I tried a pick and place application developed in ROS with Schunk LWA4P robotic arm. Initially it worked fine completely. Even when I shut down the robot at positions apart from home (all angles 0 degree) it worked fine on next new initialization.
But now I am facing a weird problem with joint 5’s angle. For example when I shut down my robot with a pose which has following angles values, (as obtained from rostopic “/arm/joint_states”)

Joint 1 = 1.57 radians; Joint 2 = -1.23 radians; Joint 3 = 1.88 radians; Joint 4 = 0.0 radians; Joint 5 = 0.745 radians; Joint 6 = -1.48 radians

After ros service call for shut down, I turned off the robot and started again with new initialization. After initialization,rostopic “/arm/joint_states“ displays the angle values of same pose at which it stopped now as

Joint 1 = 1.57 radians; Joint 2 = -1.23 radians; Joint 3 = 1.88 radians; Joint 4 = 0.0 radians; Joint 5 = 0.0 radians; Joint 6 = -1.48 radians

I could see an incorrect joint 5 angle.
Initially it was not happening but now it happens all the time when I newly start the robot. This mismatch occurs only at joint 5.
Can anyone help me out in resolving the same?

I'm pretty sure that this is an issue with your robot drivers -- not MoveIt -- as the joint_states should be coming from the drivers when you are running against the real hardware.

This ticket should be opened against the appropriate driver repository -- or perhaps the question should be asked on, although that definitely sounds more like a bug than a user issue.