moveit / geometric_shapes

Representation of geometric shapes

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wstool/rosdep fetches incompatible versions of geometric_shapes and libconsole-bridge

jeholliday opened this issue · comments

I ran into compatibility issues when trying to build this package with ROS from source on armhf Debian jessie following this guide. The problem came from rosdep fetching the latest version it could find of libconsole-bridge which is only 0.2.5-2. #72 removed support for this old version of libconsole-bridge. In order to get the package to compile, I removed the latest version of geometric_shapes which was automatically fetched by wstool and replaced it with version 0.5.3, from before #72.

Is there a way which you can define that geometric_shapes depends on a newer version of console-bridge to prevent people running into this issue in the future?

Obviously Jessie is way too old to compile a decent MoveIt version without issues.
I'm not sure what your are asking for. Yes, one could enforce geometric_shapes to require libconsole-bridge 0.3. However, that's not the way you finally solved your issue...

I'm not familiar with how wstool and rosdep work, but it seems like they need to know that it should only fetch an older version of geometric_shapes when it can't find the latest version of console-bridge. I don't know how you implement this, but I wanted to let you know.

Not sure if wstool/rosdep work that way. wstool only provides for a single specific version in a rosinstall file (either a specific commit or a branch), and limiting geometric_shapes to a commit pre #72 is a no-go. rosdep can specify version_gt, of which libconsole-bridge-dev could be > 0.4.0, but as @rhaschke said, that wouldn't fix your problem, and rosdep wouldn't necessarily have enforced the version dependency correctly either. The most that would happen is that catkin would print a warning, which I think code that fails to compile is probably a better indicator of mismatching versions than a warning. The best way to resolve issues like this is how you did it: by manually checking out the version of geometric_shapes that worked.

I'm going to close this as won't fix, feel free to reopen if you disagree.