mousebyte / awesomex

A drop-in awful extension module for AwesomeWM providing new features and quality of life improvements.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AwesomeX is a drop-in extension module for awful providing new features, widgets, and quality of life improvements.

This project is in the early stages of development and breaking changes are possible down the line.

Getting Started

To install AwesomeX, clone the repository into your awesome configuration directory.

cd ~/.config/awesome
git clone

Then, in your runtime configuration, replace awful with awesomex.

local awful = require("awesomex")

That's it! Restart awesome to make sure everything is working properly. Any references to unmodified components will be automatically forwarded to the stock awful module using the __index metamethod.

Extended Modules

The behavior of some modules has been extended.


The screen module has been extended with a signal emitted when the focused screen changes. The signal will fire in the following situations:

You can connect to the signal per-screen:

local scr = screen[1]
scr:connect_signal("focused", function(s) do_stuff(s) end)

or globally across all screens:

screen.connect_signal("focused", function(s) do_stuff(s) end)


AwesomeX provides several new widgets, located in awful.widget as per usual.

Focus Indicator

The focus indicator widget flashes over a screen's wibar (or any other widget) when that screen gains focus. It uses the new focus signal internally. Setup is simple and should work out of the box. assuming you have your wibars stored on your screen objects:

for s in screen do
    s.focus_indicator = awful.widget.focus_indicator { wibar = s.mywibar }

The background color of the widget defaults to beautiful.bg_urgent, this can be overridden with the bg argument. I recommend setting your compositor to animate opacity changes for the best effect.

Fuzzy Search Dialog

The fuzzy select widget provides a customizable fuzzy search dialog supporting custom data sources, filter and sorting functions, and list-item generation. Here's an example of how to create a dialog that allows you to select and focus any client.

local client_jumper = awful.widget.fuzzy_select { 
    title = 'Focus Client',
    --function to return a table of items
    source = client.get
    --function to filter items, should return true if filter matches item v
    filter = function(filter, v)
        return awful.fzy.has_match(filter,
    --function to sort items, should return true if item a goes before item b
    sort = function(filter, a, b)
        return awful.fzy.score(filter, > awful.fzy.score(filter,
    --function to create a widget representing item v
    item = function(v)
        return wibox.widget {
            markup = '<span size="large">'..gears.string.xml_escape('</span>',
            widget = wibox.widget.textbox
    --table of additional keybindings for the widget's keygrabber. self.fuzzy is a reference
    --to client_jumper.
    keybindings = {
        {{'Control'}, 'j', function(self) self.fuzzy:select_next() end },
        {{'Control'}, 'k', function(self) self.fuzzy:select_previous() end },
        {{}, 'Return', function(self)

-- Run the widget:
client_jumper.screen = awful.screen.focused()


A drop-in awful extension module for AwesomeWM providing new features and quality of life improvements.


Language:Lua 96.0%Language:MoonScript 4.0%