mostafazs / Bits2Bytes-WP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

=== Bits2Bytes ===
Contributors: mostafas
Tags: plugins, bits, wordpress, widgets, units, convert, computer science, data units, bits, bytes, kilobits, kilobytes, megabits, megabytes, gigabits, gigabytes, terabits, terabytes, petabits, petabytes
Requires at least: 2.0
Tested up to: 4.4.1
Stable tag: 1.0.1
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:

Convert computer data units to each other.

== Description ==

With Bits2Bytes Users can convert units of bits and bytes together, Bits2Bytes use ajax and no page reloaded for convert units.

You simply add Bits2Bytes widget to your site or blog widget area, and users can convert units. a useful tool for computer science students or other interested persons to convert computer units

if you love this addone , give it a good rating on plugin page or if you see plugin correctly work for you then please click "Works" on plugin page.

if you found any bug, issue or need support please don't hesitate to [create a support ticket.](

== Installation ==
1. Download the plugin via
1. Upload the ZIP file through the "Plugins > Add New > Upload" screen in your WordPress dashboard.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Go to "Appearance > Widgets" and use "Bits2Bytes Widget"

== Screenshots ==

1. Normal widget view.
2. While try convert
3. Example conversion

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How many units can i convert? =

You can convert all computer data units,bits, bytes, kilobits, kilobytes, megabits, megabytes, gigabits, gigabytes, terabits, terabytes, petabits, petabytes

= Is widget have option? =

You can change title of widget, in future development you can change visual appearance of widget

= Is widget need active internet connection for conversion? =

Yes. bits2bytes use web service for conversion, so need internet.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =
* Minor cleaning

= 1.0 =
* Initial release version.



Language:PHP 66.7%Language:JavaScript 17.0%Language:CSS 16.3%