mostafa8026 / net-uptime-monitor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Net-Uptime-Monitor README


Net-Uptime-Monitor is a Telegram bot designed to monitor internet connectivity and notify group members about the status of the internet connection. This bot is particularly useful for teams who rely on a stable internet connection and need to be promptly informed about any downtime or restoration of service.


  • Internet Status Monitoring: Regularly checks internet connectivity by attempting to access a reliable website (e.g., Google).
  • Telegram Group Integration: Can be added to Telegram groups to provide updates about internet status.
  • Notification on Connectivity Changes: Sends messages to the group when the internet goes down and comes back up, including downtime duration.
  • Auto-Removal Handling: Detects when it's removed from a group and updates its group list accordingly.
  • Time Zone Support: Configured for Tehran's timezone but can be adjusted as needed.


  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:
    cd net-uptime-monitor
  3. Install Dependencies:
    npm install


  • Create a .env file in the root directory.
  • Add your Telegram bot token as TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN.
  • Optionally, set the checking interval by adding CHECK_INTERVAL (in seconds).


  • Starting the Bot:

    npm start

    or for development:

    npm run start:dev
  • Adding to a Group: Simply add the bot to a Telegram group and send the /start command.

  • Checking Internet Status: The bot automatically checks the internet status at regular intervals defined by CHECK_INTERVAL.

Service Definition and Usage

Service Definition

To run Net-Uptime-Monitor as a service on a Linux system, you can use systemd. Here is an example of a systemd service file:

Description=Net Uptime Monitor Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node index.mjs


This service definition ensures that the Net-Uptime-Monitor bot starts automatically after the network is up. It runs under the user mostafa, executes the index.mjs file using Node.js, and will restart on failure. The service is set to be wanted by the, making it start at boot under normal multi-user conditions.


  1. Create the Service File: Save the above service definition to a file named net-uptime-monitor.service in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory.

  2. Reload Systemd: To make systemd aware of the new service, reload the systemd manager configuration:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  3. Enable the Service: To enable the Net-Uptime-Monitor service, so it starts on boot:

    sudo systemctl enable net-uptime-monitor
  4. Start the Service: To start the service immediately:

    sudo systemctl start net-uptime-monitor
  5. Check Service Status: To check the status of the service:

    sudo systemctl status net-uptime-monitor
  6. View Logs: To view logs for troubleshooting, use:

    journalctl -u net-uptime-monitor


  • Ensure that the paths in ExecStart and WorkingDirectory correctly point to your Node.js executable and the project directory.
  • The user specified in User should have the necessary permissions to run the bot and write to any required files or directories.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%