mortenjust / Camera-Control-Demo

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Understanding SCNCameraController


I want to use SceneKit's camera controller to drive my scene's camera. The reason I want to subclass it is that my camera is on a rig where I apply rotation to the rig and translation to the camera. I do that because I animate the camera, and applying both translation and rotation to the camera node doesn't create the animation I want.

Setting up

  1. Instantiate my own SCNCameraController
  2. Set its pointofView to my scene's pointOfView (or its parent node I guess)

Using the camera controller

We now want the new camera controller to drive the scene.

  1. When interactions begin (e.g. mouseDown), call beginInteraction(_ location: CGPoint, withViewport viewport: CGSize)
  2. When interactions update and end call the corresponding functions on the camera controller

Actual behavior

It works when I begin/update/end interactions from mouse down events. It ignores any other event types, like magnification, scrollwheel, which work in e.g. the SceneKit Editor in Xcode. See MySCNView.swift in the repo for a demo. By overriding the camera controller's rotate function, I can see that it is called with deltas. This is great.
But when I override translateInCameraSpaceBy my print statements don't appear and the scene doesn't translate.

Expected behavior

I expected SCNCameraController to also apply translations and rolls to the pointOfView by inspecting the currentEvent and figuring out what to do.

I'm inclined to think that I'm supposed to call translateInCameraSpaceBy myself, but that seems inconsistent with how Begin/Continue/End interaction seems to call rotate.

Appendix: Header file

Posting the header file for SCNCameraController here as it contains more documentation than the online docs.

//  SCNCameraController.h
//  SceneKit
//  Copyright © 2017-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

// SCNInteractionMode specify the behavior of the camera relative to
// screen space interactions.
@available(macOS 10.13, *)
public enum SCNInteractionMode : Int, @unchecked Sendable {

    // Relative to up vector.
    case fly = 0

    case orbitTurntable = 1 // rotate around target with absolute orientation from angles accumulation.

    // Up vector not taken into account.
    case orbitAngleMapping = 2 // rotate around target by mapping 2D screen coordinates to spherical coordinates.

    case orbitCenteredArcball = 3

    case orbitArcball = 4 // rotate around target by mapping 2D screen coordinates to an half sphere.

    case pan = 5 // camera space translation on X/Y

    case truck = 6 // camera space translation on X/Z

@available(macOS 10.13, *)
public protocol SCNCameraControllerDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {

    optional func cameraInertiaWillStart(for cameraController: SCNCameraController)

    optional func cameraInertiaDidEnd(for cameraController: SCNCameraController)

@available(macOS 10.13, *)
open class SCNCameraController : NSObject {

    unowned(unsafe) open var delegate: SCNCameraControllerDelegate?

    open var pointOfView: SCNNode?

    open var interactionMode: SCNInteractionMode

    // The camera target in world space for orbit rotation.
    open var target: SCNVector3

    // Automatically update the target in beginInteraction
    // Defaults to NO
    open var automaticTarget: Bool

    // The up vector in world space used as reference for SCNInteractionModeFly and SCNInteractionModeOrbitTurntable camera modes.
    // Defaults to (0, 1, 0).
    open var worldUp: SCNVector3

    // Set to YES to enable inertia on endInteraction.
    // Defaults to NO.
    open var inertiaEnabled: Bool

    // The friction coefficient applied to the inertia.
    // Defaults to 0.05.
    open var inertiaFriction: Float

    // Returns YES if inertia is running.
    open var isInertiaRunning: Bool { get }

    // Minimum and maximum vertical view angles in degrees for SCNInteractionModeFly and SCNInteractionModeOrbitTurntable.
    // The angle constraints is not enforced if both vertical angle properties values are set to 0.
    // The angle constraints will not be enforced if the initial orientation is outside the given range.
    // The minimum angle must be inferior to the maximum angle.
    // Angles are in world space and within the range [-90, 90].
    // Defaults to 0.0.
    // For example: set to minimum to 0 and maximum to 90 to only allow orbit around the top hemisphere.
    open var minimumVerticalAngle: Float

    open var maximumVerticalAngle: Float

    // Minimum and maximum horizontal view angles in degrees for SCNInteractionModeFly and SCNInteractionModeOrbitTurntable.
    // The angle constraints is not enforced if both horizontal angle properties values are set to 0.
    // The angle constraints will not be enforced if the initial orientation is outside the given range.
    // The minimum angle must be inferior to the maximum angle.
    // Angles are in world space and within the range [-180, 180].
    // Defaults to 0.0.
    open var minimumHorizontalAngle: Float

    open var maximumHorizontalAngle: Float

    // Translate the camera along the local X/Y/Z axis.
    open func translateInCameraSpaceBy(x deltaX: Float, y deltaY: Float, z deltaZ: Float)

    // Move the camera to a position where the bounding sphere of all nodes is fully visible.
    // Also set the camera target as the center of the bounding sphere.
    open func frameNodes(_ nodes: [SCNNode])

    // Rotate delta is in degrees.
    open func rotateBy(x deltaX: Float, y deltaY: Float)

    // Rotate the camera around the given screen space point. Delta is in degrees.
    open func roll(by delta: Float, aroundScreenPoint point: CGPoint, viewport: CGSize)

    // Zoom by moving the camera along the axis by a screen space point.
    open func dolly(by delta: Float, onScreenPoint point: CGPoint, viewport: CGSize)

    // Rotate the camera around the axis from the camera position to the target.
    // Delta is in degrees.
    open func rollAroundTarget(_ delta: Float)

    // Zoom by moving the camera along the axis from the camera position to the target.
    open func dolly(toTarget delta: Float)

    // clear the camera roll if any
    open func clearRoll()

    // Stop current inertia.
    open func stopInertia()

    // Begin/Continue/End interaction using an input location relative to viewport.
    // The behavior depends on the current interactionMode.
    open func beginInteraction(_ location: CGPoint, withViewport viewport: CGSize)

    open func continueInteraction(_ location: CGPoint, withViewport viewport: CGSize, sensitivity: CGFloat)

    open func endInteraction(_ location: CGPoint, withViewport viewport: CGSize, velocity: CGPoint)



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