moritzvz / ald

Automatic Location of Disparities (ALD) for algorithmic audits.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains the implementation of 'Automatic Location of Disparities' (ALD) for conducting algorithmic audits.


# install.packages("remotes")

ALD is dependent on several other packages for handling data, modeling, and generating reports: partykit, assertthat, magrittr, tidyselect, tibble, dplyr, tidyr, readr, rmarkdown, flextable, stringr, ggplot2, ggparty, cowplot, scales, hms


The ALD audit:

  • is performed on a dataset of your choice that must be provided as a .csv file
  • requires notion of fairness to be set to 'statistical parity' or 'equalized odds'
  • in case of 'statistical parity' you must set the outcome_variable argument to the name of the outcome variable in your dataset
  • for 'equalized odds' you must set the prediction_variable and ground_truth_variable arguments to the names of the prediction and ground truth variables in your dataset
  • by default all other variables (not outcome, prediction, ground truth) in you dataset will be used as sensitive attributes in the audit. You can use the sensitive_attributes argument to specifically set the sensitive attributes to a subset of your dataset varaiables
  • requires a ranking mechanism which must be 'confidence' or 'magnitude'
  • requires a maximum number of groups in the report (n_grp)
  • requires a number of trees to model in partykit::cforest (ntree)
  • requires a alpha argument passed to partykit::cforest (alpha)
  • optionally takes a p-value adjustment method to pass to stats::p.adjust (adjust_method), either "BH" (Benjamini-Hochberg, by default) or "bonferroni" (Bonferroni correction).
  • optionally takes a random seed number that can be used for reproducibility of results
  • writes a report to the directory that you set with the dir argument, with data_name argument used in the name
# for example
  file                  = "my_data.csv",
  prediction_variable   = "prediction",
  ground_truth_variable = "ground_truth",
  notion_of_fairness    = "equalized odds",
  ranking_mechanism     = "confidence",
  data_name             = "data_title",
  dir                   = here::here(""),
  n_grp                 = 3,
  ntree                 = 25,
  alpha                 = 0.1)

  file                  = "my_data.csv",
  outcome_variable      = "outcome",
  notion_of_fairness    = "statistical parity",
  ranking_mechanism     = "confidence",
  data_name             = "data_title",
  dir                   = here::here(""),
  n_grp                 = 3,
  ntree                 = 25,
  alpha                 = 0.1)


Please consider citing us if you find this helpful for your work:

  title={Locating disparities in machine learning},
  author={von Zahn, Moritz and Hinz, Oliver and Feuerriegel, Stefan},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)},


Automatic Location of Disparities (ALD) for algorithmic audits.


Language:R 100.0%