moraes / hydra

An HTML5 game engine for the many faces of mobile WebKit.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hydra is a Javascript game engine for mobile browsers.

Documentation is sorely lacking, but I've dogfooded it with a few games:


Hydra aims to be fast:

  • Animations are implemented as CSS transitions, which can be hardware accelerated.
  • All game updates are performed on a single setInterval callback.
  • Games are compiled with Google's Closure Compiler in "advanced" mode, allowing aggressive inlining and dead-code elimination.

Hydra also aims to be functional:

  • Animations can programmatically be started, paused, and sequenced together.
  • Games are composed from scenes, entities (which live in scenes) and tasks (which act upon entities).
  • Has the usual collection of utility functions and classes, supplemented by the massive Closure Library.
  • Needless abstractions are avoided, you should still know how to work with the DOM and skin your game with CSS.


Hydra currently has three heads:

  • iOS 3+ (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)
  • Android 2.1+
  • Desktop browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera

Targets under development:

  • Opera Mobile 10
  • Desktop browsers: Internet Explorer 9


An HTML5 game engine for the many faces of mobile WebKit.

License:MIT License