moophis / leetcode

My Solutions to

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Online problems at

Linked List Problems

  1. add two numbers
  2. merge k sorted list
  3. merge two sorted list
  4. partition list
  5. remove duplicates from sorted list
  6. remove duplicates from sorted list II
  7. remove nth node from end of list
  8. reverse linked list II
  9. reverse nodes in k-group
  10. rotate list
  11. swap nodes in pairs

Dynamic Programming Problems

  1. Climbing Stairs - simple dp
  2. Combination Sum - dp + path construction using recursive backtracking
  3. Combinaiton Sum II - dp + path construction using recursive backtracking
  4. Decode ways - simple dp
  5. Edit Distance - classic dp


My Solutions to