moondra2017 / Windows-Command-Prompt

Useful Commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Useful Commands


cd.. cd....

cd ' next directory name'

cd 'directory''next directory'
#cd Moondra\documents


dir #dir of current directory

dir /a #hidden directory

dir /ad # output all subfolders within directory

dir *.txt # output all text files within directory

dir *.pgn #all png files within directory

dir /s *.png #all png files located within system

dir /s *.png |more #all png files located within system displayed page by page (use spacebar to go to next page)

dir /s biotech.text #searches for biotech.txt within system (once found copy outputted dir and cd into it)


dir > hello.txt (output comannd dir's output into hello.txt echo "hello there" > hello.txt (write "hello there" to hello.txt) type hello.txt (print out hello.txt contents in command line)

type biotech.text > hello.txt (copy the contents of biotech.text > hello.txt)

Open Files

notepad dir.txt (use notepad to open dir.txt)

dir.txt (dir.txt opened by default program)

EXEL.png (image file opened by default program)



Make and delete directories

mkdir test_folder

rmdir test_folder

mkdir apple\apple2 (make a directory with subdirectory)

rmdir /s apple (remove directory with subdirectory)


Useful Commands