A command line application that does String Manipulation in following 6 different ways:
Uppercase Take whatever string the user inputs and MAKE IT LOUDER! Go have a look at the documentation or the header files for NSString, and look for methods that can help with this. Print the resulting string.
Lowercase Take whatever text the user inputs and make it all lowercase. Print the resulting string.
Numberize Take whatever text the user inputs, for example the string "10", and convert it to a number (e.g. the integer 10), if possible. Print the resulting number. Consider what inputs will give a valid number, and if you are able to tell if the conversion was successful or not. There is more than one way to do this conversion.
Canadianize Take the user's input, and append ", eh?" to it. Print the resulting string.
Respond If the user input ends with a question mark, answer "I don't know". If the input ends with an exclaimation point, respond with "Whoa, calm down!".
De-Space-It Replace all spaces with "-". Print the resulting string.