moon-watcher / chase-md

Jack Nolddor's Chase MD game for Sega Genesis / Megadrive

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

 *                      - Feel free to do anything you want* with this code, consider it as PUBLIC DOMAIN -
 *                                  ... but be careful, this code is dark and full of terrors.
 *                                    (*) NOT ALLOW TO USE THIS CODE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES
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 * Original game by Shiru (, released for NES, CHECK OUT THIS! []
 * @CODE:           =>  JACK NOLDDOR    | Twitter: @nolddor	| Mail to:
 * @GRAPHIC / GFX:  =>  JACK NOLDDOR    | Twitter: @nolddor	| Mail to:
 * @MUSIC / SFX:    =>  DAVIDIAN        | Twitter: @DavidBonus
 * @PROJECT:        =>  #Chase
 * @START DATE:     =>  20-06-2014
 * @LAST UPDATE:    =>  17-01-2016
 * @LIB:            =>  SGDK (v1.11) by Stephane Dallongeville
 * Special thanks to @MoonWatcherMD for always being there when I needed and encourage me to finish this game :)
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 03-08-2014 » v1.0b
 *	- First release
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 17-01-2016 » v2.00
 *	- Rewrite game code from scratch, now is fully compatible with SGDK (v1.11)
 *	- Changed lives from 3 to 5
 *	- Changed enemies speed, now are slower than before
 *	- Changed Vampy AI to be less agressive
 *	- Changed PAUSE text, now it's bigger
 *	- Changed stage 09 and stage 10 colors
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Jack Nolddor's Chase MD game for Sega Genesis / Megadrive


Language:C 78.5%Language:Assembly 15.7%Language:C++ 5.8%