monsanto / nreplds

Unix domain socket support for nREPL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project gives you the ability to 1) start an embedded nREPL server on a Unix Domain Socket (UDS) and 2) connect to a nREPL using a UDS.

Currently nREPLs can only listen on TCP ports. Even if the port selected is local-only, this is a security risk, since if any process (running as any user) is compromised, it is possible for an attacker to connect to your nREPL and run malicious code in the context of your Clojure application. If you connect to a UDS, you can use standard Unix permissions to protect your nREPL.

Installing junixsocket

Installation is easy, but slightly more complicated than other Clojure libraries because of the need to use native code.

This library uses junixsocket to connect to UDSs. You can follow their instructions, or you can follow my simplified instructions:

tar xvf junixsocket-1.3-bin.tar.bz2
cd junixsocket-1.3
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=dist/junixsocket-1.3.jar -DartifactId=junixsocket -Dversion=1.3 -DgroupId=org.newsclub -Dpackaging=jar
sudo mkdir -p /opt/newsclub
sudo cp -r lib-native /opt/newsclub

If someone wants to package this up as a Maven artifact, that'd be nice!

This dude's notes may be helpful to you if you are on FreeBSD.


To run an embedded nREPL server on a UDS, add [nreplds "0.1"] to your dependencies, and start the server using (nreplds.core/start-server :path "/path/to/socket.sock")

To connect to a UDS programatically, and [nreplds "0.1"], load nreplds.core, and use the standard with a URI like nreplds:///path/to/sock.sock. Because of an implementation detail the path must be absolute.

To add nreplds:/// URIs to lein repl, add [lein-nreplds "0.1"] to your leiningen plugins. Now you can connect to a UDS using lein repl :connect nreplds:///path/to/sock.sock. Because of an implementation detail the path must be absolute.

Forwarding a UDS over SSH

You'll need to use socat. See here.

A plea to whoever is in charge of Java

Please bless a standard library for POSIX functionality. Please make sure the POSIX sockets you bless support the Java Socket and NIO APIs (junixsocket does not support NIO). Unix domain socket support is very important.

A plea to whoever is in charge of nREPL

I had to copy/paste some nREPL code because the interfaces provided were not sufficiently general.

  • Please extend the nrepl.server/start-server function to optionally take a ServerSocket.
  • Please extend the nrepl/connect function to optionally take a Socket.
  • A url-server-start function analogous to url-connect would be handy for extending leiningen to start UDS servers.


Unix domain socket support for nREPL

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%