monro93 / doctrine-nullable-embeddables

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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The purpose of this library is to fix a known bug on doctrine where you cannot have nullable embeddables.

The issue is the following:

Given a class "A" that has an ORM relation with an embedded "B" that could be null
When an instance of "A" is loaded from DB and "B" is null
Then an instance of "B" is created with all the values to null and assigned to the property "B" of "A"

The behaviour of this library will be the following:

Given a class "A" that has an ORM relation with an embedded "B" that could be null
When an instance of "A" is loaded from DB and "B" is null
Then the property "B" of "A" is set to null

For now it only works with yml files as is what we use, if you think that will be useful to have it for XML or annotations, please open an issue


This library is mainly though to be used with symfony as it depends on its configuration files.


In your services.yaml (normally located at /config) Add this line:

    - { resource: ../vendor/monro/doctrine-nullable-embedabbles/src/EmbeNulls/config/services.yaml }

And if you need to change the doctrine.yaml location from the default one (%kernel.project_dir%/config/packages/doctrine.yaml), you can set the env variable DOCTRINE_CONFIG_FILEin your .env


Define your orm mappings as usual in your YML files and on the embedded property add nullable to true wherever you want. For instance:

    type: entity
    table: dog
    id: ...
            type: string
            class: Some\Namespace\PetIdentificationNumber
            nullable: true



Language:PHP 100.0%