mono83 / xray

Logging framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


X-Ray is logging framework, created for concurrent environment. Central idea - loggers forms tree structure - starting from xray.ROOT and then forking to arbitrary level with full properties inheritance.

Loggers inside framework are named rays. Each forked ray will inherit all properties from parent, including assigned output adapters.

Examples are located in package

Ray object

Ray manipulation methods

Name Description
GetRayID() Return string ID of current Ray
GetLogger() Returns name of logger, string
GetMetricPrefix() Returns string prefix, that will be attached to all metric events
GetArguments() Returns all arguments (placeholder values), attached to ray as xray.Bucket
Fork() Builds and returns new xray.Ray. New object will inherit all propertes of original, but with new rayID
WithRayID(string) Clones ray and sets provided ID to it
WithLogger(string) Clones ray and sets provided logger name to it
WithMetricPrefix(string) Clones ray and appends metric prefix to it
With(...xray.Arg) Clones ray and appends provided arguments to clone
On(xray.Handler) Attaches Handler, that will receive all logging and metrics event. Registered handler will received events from ray itself and all its forked childs
Emit(...xray.Event) Emits arbitrary xray.Event to ray

Logging methods

Method Description
Trace(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.TRACE level
Debug(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.DEBUG level
Info(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.INFO level
Warning(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.WARNING level
Error(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.ERROR level
Alert(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.ALERT level
Critical(msg string, args ...xray.Arg) Emits log event with xray.CRITICAL level
Pass(error) error If provided error not nil, emits logging event xray.ERROR level. In any case this methods returns error, provided to it.
PassS(msg string, err error) error If provided error not nil, emits logging event xray.ERROR level with provided string prefix. In any case this methods returns error, provided to it.

Metric reporting methods

Method Description
Increment(string, int64, ...xray.Arg) Emits metric event with xray.INCREMENT metric type and int64 incrementation value
Inc(string, ...xray.Arg) Emits metric event with xray.INCREMENT metric type and 1 as incrementation value
Gauge(string, int64, ...xray.Arg) Emits metric event with xray.GAUGE metric type and int64 gauge value
Duration(string, NanoHolder, ...xray.Arg) Emits metric event with xray.DURATION metric type. NanoHolder is interface with Nanoseconds() int64 method, that is implemented even in time.Duration structure.


In general case, arguments a objects, used for message interpolation. In special cases, like Logstash or InfluxDB this arguments can be sent to remote servers.

Argument is pretty simple and described by interface:

// Arg describes ray logging qualifier (argument)
type Arg interface {
	// Name returns argument key (name)
	Name() string
	// Value returns string representation of argument value
	Value() string
	// Scalar returns raw representation of argument value. It can be scalar value or slice of scalar values. 
	Scalar() interface{}

Predefined arguments are located in package and it subpackages:

Argument Name Scalar Instantiation
args.Nil any nil Cast from string, that will be used as Name
args.Error "err" string args.Error{Err: <error value>}
args.Int any int args.Int{N: <string name>, V: <int value>}
args.Int64 any int64 args.Int64{N: <string name>, V: <int64 value>}
args.Count "count" int Cast from int, that will be used as Value
args.ID64 "id" int64 Cast from int64, that will be used as Value
args.String any string args.String{N: <string name>, V: <str value>}
args.Name "name" string Cast from string, that will be used as Value
args.Type "type" string Cast from string, that will be used as Value
args.AppName "app" string Cast from string, that will be used as Value
args.URL "url" string Cast from string, that will be used as Value
args.SQL "sql" string Cast from string, that will be used as Value
args.Delta "delta" int64 Cast from time.Duration. Method Scalar() will returns nanoseconds

There are also special arguments, that wrap slices

Argument Name Values List
args.ID64List "id" []int64
args.NameList "name" []string

And even more special arguments, that are instantiated by default and located in

Argument Instance Name Scalar Description
env.ArgPID env.PID "pid" int Contains process ID (pid) of current application
env.ArgHostName env.HostName "hostname" string Contains host name of machine, this application running on
env.ArgSystemUser env.SystemUser "username" string Contain information of user, invoked application

Prometheus exporter

Xray is bundled with data exporter, compatible with Prometheus. To enable, attach it to xray.ROOT or other ray:

import ""

// Declaring exporter
prom := prometheus.NewExporter(
        nil, // Metrics arguments filtering func
        nil, // Default arguments to inject
        time.Millisecond, // Time buckets for latency histograms...
        10 * time.Millisecond,
        50 * time.Millisecond,
        100 * time.Millisecond,
        250 * time.Millisecons,
        500 * time.Millisecond, 
        10 * time.Second,

// Registering on ROOT ray

// Starting HTTP server, that will return metrics on any URL
panic(http.ListenAndServe(":5557", prom))

In addition to served metrics, this exporter also sends its own to diagnose performance issues:

  • prometheus_exporter_handled - amount of handled metrics events, counter.
  • prometheus_exporter_render - amount of render requests, counter. type="writer" stands for any writer invocation, type="http" shows only HTTP rendering requests.
  • prometheus_exporter_size - amount of items in exporter, gauge. type="gauges" calculates only gauges, type="counters" is for counters and type="histogram" is for histograms.


Logging framework


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