monleru / AMM-SOlID


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Decentralized Exchange with Automated Market Makers

Decentralized Exchange to Swap ERC20 tokens for ETH using Automated Market Makers. Deposit / Withdraw Liquidity.


This is a PoC decentralized exchange (like uniswap) that serves to exchange ERC20 tokes for eth. Currently version is working with a single token (injected in the constructor at deploying time). This project have the purpose of learning how about how DApps work. By building this project I learned:

  • How to code a ERC20 Token
  • How to sent ERC20 tokens
  • How Liquidity Pools Work
  • How Automated Market Makers work
  • How to use payable functions
  • How to interact with metamask
  • How to interact with Smart Contracts from a webapp
  • How to deploy contracts to a public testnet

Project Structure

It is structured in two main folders: UI and Contracts.

The UI folder has a frontend project vite + tailwind and the web3 library is implemented twice: one implementation using ether.js and the other one using web3.js.

On the other side the Contracts folder contain a truffle project with the Token.sol and Dex.sol contracts.

How to run

Make sure you have truffle installed.

You will need a Infura key if you want to order to deploy the contracts, but if you want to run a local blockchain (e.g ganache) you only have to make sure your the port it is running is the same as in the truffle-config.js (e.g port: 7545).

Deploy the Contracts

npm install

truflle compile

truflle deploy --network development

After deploying the contracts your deployer address will have a ton of ERC20 tokens that were minted at deploying stage.

Run the frontend DApp

go to the UI folder and follow the README instructions.

NOTE: You have to put the deployed addresses in the following file: /ui/packages/dapp-final/src/config/ping-contract.js




Language:JavaScript 63.7%Language:HTML 24.4%Language:Solidity 8.5%Language:CSS 3.4%