monkrus / NLP-text-classification

A template for an NLP text classification pipeline using scikit-learn

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A template for an NLP text classification pipeline. It can power conversational agents to understand user goals. The model takes raw text queries as input and outputs a predicted intent label. Performance is evaluated using stratified cross-validation. This is useful for goal-oriented chatbots and voice assistants to determine user intent and respond appropriately.

❗Model needs improvement❗

  • English and non-English words including slang, abbreviations, typos, etc.
  • One of the CSV files does not have enough samples for each class (in our case 5 pieces are required).

🔴 Query_interpretation is an initial attempt to create a template for an NLP text classification. Score (0.53) 🔴 Query_interpretation2 is using TF-IDF, but it didn't improve the score much.


  • CSV dataset with 'query' and 'intent' columns. Queries are text, intents are labels.

    • English and non-English words including slang, abbreviations, typos, etc.
    • One of the CSV files does not have enough samples for each class (in our case 5 pieces is min required).
  • Text preprocessing steps include lowercasing, removing punctuation, tokenizing into words, lemmatizing (grouping together different forms of a word into a single base form), and removing stopwords.

  • Label encoding is done.

  • Added check that each intent class has at least 5 samples, otherwise StratifiedKFold can fail.

  • A pipeline is created with CountVectorizer for feature extraction and LogisticRegression for the classifier.

  • Grid search CV is used to tune hyperparameters:

    • ngram_range for the vectorizer
    • Regularization strength (C) for LogisticRegression
  • Stratification is used in the CV split to handle class imbalance.

  • The best parameters found are unigrams (ngram_range=1,1) and C=10.

  • The best score is only 0.53, indicating the model is not very accurate. There is room for improvement.


The main result is the set of best hyperparameters and the best validation score after performing grid search cross-validation.

The best hyperparameters found were:

  • vect__ngram_range = (1,1)
  • clf__C = 10

This means unigrams (individual words) worked better than bigrams (sequences of two consecutive words) for the CountVectorizer feature extraction.

Regularization strength C=10 worked best for the LogisticRegression classifier. Even though the regularization is weaker, overfitting is not happening here. The best validation score achieved was 0.5347826086956522.

  • As I mentioned before, the score is quite low, only slightly better than random chance (0.5).
  • We need to achieve results closer to 1.0.
  • It is a good starting point.

Ways to improve

  • Try different classifiers like SVM, XGBoost, etc.
  • Optimize the text preprocessing - remove rare words, stemming, etc.
  • Use TF-IDF instead of bag-of-words counts.
  • Use pre-trained word embeddings as features.
  • Try character n-grams instead of word n-grams.
  • Use class weights to handle class imbalance.


A template for an NLP text classification pipeline using scikit-learn


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%