monkeyphysics / html-to-image

Simple webservice to create screenshots/images of HTML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HTML-to-Image webservice

💡 Now supports PDF

Simple webservice to create screenshots/images or pdf of a webpage (remote URL or manually provided HTML).
The webservice can be run locally or as a container, and exposes a simple endpoint on your network on port 3033.
Source availabe on github and container available on docker.
Inspired by nevermendel/chrome-headless-screenshots.

Running the service

The container is available on docker-hub as monkeyphysics/html-to-image.


Add the container as a service to your docker-compose.yml:

    image: 'monkeyphysics/html-to-image'
    container_name: htmltoimage

The webservice is now available to your other services on http://htmltoimage:3033/.
You can optionally expose the port to your local machine if you want to play around with the webservice:

    image: 'monkeyphysics/html-to-image'
    container_name: htmltoimage
      - "3033:3033"

Docker run

Run the service and cleanup after (--rm) exposing port 3033 on your local machine:

  • docker run --rm -p 3033:3033 monkeyphysics/html-to-image


You can also directly run the app (not using a container). This requires you to have Chrome/Chromium installed locally.

  • make sure dependencies are installed npm install (only once, or after updating)
  • run the app with node app.js



⚠️ Deprecated arguments: html and screenshotArgs were renamed to source and args

There is only one endpoint at the root of the webservice /. This endpoint only accepts POST requests.
The request should be of Content-Type: application/json (and use that header).
The request body (JSON-object) has both required and optional properties:

  • source (string, required): URL or HTML
  • format (string, required): one of png, jpg/jpeg, webp, or pdf
  • options (object, optional): configurable options
    • width (numeric, optional, defaults to 1920): width of the browser window (screenshot)
    • height (numeric, optional, defaults to 1080): height of the browser window (screenshot)
    • args (object, optional, defaults to {}): an object of options passed to page.screenshot or page.pdf (be aware: some will be overwritten interally, like path, format or type)

💡 options.width and options.height are redundant for PDFs, because the options.args.format (defaulting to A4) will override these


The response body contains the image as binary data (http status code 200) accompanied by the applicable Content-Type-header.
When something goes wrong you should receive a JSON body describing the error (http status code 4xx or 5xx).


Simply test the webservice with curl when running locally or with the container port exposed.

HTML: Hello world

curl \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{ "source": "<h1>Hello</h1><h2>world</h2>", "format": "jpg" }' \
    --output ~/helloworld.jpg \

URL: Google

curl \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{ "source": "", "format": "png", "options": { "width": 1024, "args": { "fullPage": true } } }' \
    --output ~/google.jpg \


curl \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{ "source": "", "format": "pdf" }' \
    --output ~/pdfoptions.pdf \


Simple webservice to create screenshots/images of HTML


Language:JavaScript 87.0%Language:Dockerfile 13.0%