monciego / mastering-golang

Exploring the wonders of Go, because why not?!

Repository from Github https://github.commonciego/mastering-golangRepository from Github https://github.commonciego/mastering-golang

Learning GoLang

Welcome to my GoLang learning journey! This repository contains the code and projects I've worked on while learning GoLang. Here's a brief overview of what you'll find in this repository:

Topics Covered:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Go by example
  3. Learn Go fast

Small Projects

  1. Investment Calculator
  2. BMI Calculator
  3. Profit Calculator
  4. Bank

Additional Resources:

Feel free to explore the topics and projects above to gain a better understanding of my GoLang learning journey. Happy coding! 🚀


Exploring the wonders of Go, because why not?!


Language:Go 100.0%