monban / owm-bar

Simple OpenWeatherMap display for Waybar or other places

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple OpenWeatherMap display for Waybar or other places. This is really designed for my own use, but is provided here in case others might find it useful.


  -coords value
        GCS coordinates (example: 51,0)
        will print out the complete text returned from the server
        use NerdFont icon instead of text description
  -key value
        Open Weather Map API key
  -lang string
        language in 639-1 code (examples: en, la, fr) (default "en")
  -units string
        temperature units (K, C, or F) (default "C")


Simple OpenWeatherMap display for Waybar or other places

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%