momo-aux / DynBind

PHP Script for updating a selfhostet dynamic dns service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


2012 by Lutz-Peter Hooge 

this script is intended for running a selfhosted dynamic dns service
it implements the update protocol used by (see,
so it can be used in "FritzBox" and maybe other home routers to automatically perform updates.

on the back side it depends on BIND and the nsupdate tool to perform the updates to the zone file


- a server with a static ip for running the dns server
- bind9
- nsupdate (in ubunto this is part of the dnsutils package)
- apache + mod_php or something equivalent


0. make sure your "bind" serve is correctly set up.
In particular:
- the zone must allow updates (e.g. "allow-update {localhost;};" to allow local updates)
- the zone file must be writeble for the bind process
- beware of minimum TTL setting. if this is set to, like 3 days, your dynamic updates will not have much effect...

1. copy the included files somewhere where your webserver can access than.

2. copy the included dynbind.conf.example.xml to dynbind.conf.xml or /etc/dynbind.conf.xml and insert your settings (users, zone, name server etc, see comments there).
IMPORTANT: make sure for Apache "AllowOverride All" is enabled, or use other means to disallow the webserver from serving the config und log files to visitors!
Alternatively place the config in /etc/dynbind.conf.xml instead in the directory with the script

3. if everything is correct you should be able to make dns updates by calling the skript in your web browsers like this
and entering your configured user credentials


Use the following update url:<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>&wildcard=1
replace "" with your domain name, but leave the variables in brackets (<>) EXACTLY like this. 
They will be replaced by the router.
Do NOT put the scheme (http://) or your username/password into the url field, this will not work (at least on my hardware)

CONFIG FILE EXAMPLES (for local test zone)

zone "invalid.inv" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/";
        allow-transfer { "none"; };
        allow-update {localhost;};
        allow-query {any;};
        notify no;

$ORIGIN invalid.inv.
$TTL 3600
@       IN     SOA    ns.invalid.inv. (
        2012062705  ; Serial
        3H          ; refresh after 3 hours
        1H          ; retry after 1 hour
        1W          ; expire after 1 week
        1800)         ; minimum TTL of 30min

        ; Name Server
        IN      NS      ns.invalid.inv.

ns      IN A  
@       IN A  


PHP Script for updating a selfhostet dynamic dns service

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0