moishinetzer / little-emperors

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Moishi Netzer - Hotel List Web App


First, install dependencies:

npm install
# I love bun in which case try:
bun install

Generate the Prisma client for DB access and type-safety:

npx prisma migrate dev
# bun:
bunx prisma migrate dev

Then, run the project:

npm run dev
# Again, I implore you to try bun:
bun run dev

That's it!


The solution I have opted for is a full-stack application using the following technologies:

  • Remix as the main full-stack driving framework for React
    • Remix acts as both the backend and the frontend
    • Running off of a Vite server
  • TailwindCSS for styling
  • Prisma as an ORM for both generating the DB client and accessing the DB in a type-safe fashion
  • SQLite is the database being used for this application for reasons listed below
  • Prettier for formatting
  • ESLint for linting with sensible defaults provided


The backend is provided by Remix. Whilst this may seem counter-intuitive it allows strong typing between the server and client, and it balances the problem of colocating server-side with client-side but it also provides great paradigms for providing the data.

Quick Intro

In Remix, you use loaders to define endpoints so for the following:

// >
export function loader() {
  return json({
    hotels: await getHotels(),

This prompts Remix to create an endpoint at the /hotels route. exporting a loader creates a GET handler, and exporting an action creates a POST handler.

Remix uses this loader to fetch the data BEFORE the page loads, essentially blocking page load until the data is available for the client to use. This means no need to handle a pending state whatsoever. When you load the page it is fully hydrated with your data.

Using the data looks like this:

export function loader() {
  // ...

export default function HotelsRoute() {
  // `hotels` is now fully typed and always available
  // on the page load to be used across the component
  const { hotels } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

Sometimes however you want the page to load first and stream the result in later, this is where Remix defer comes in. It's an implementation of React's Suspense component.

I have implemented an alternative index route which implements this behaviour in /app/routes/deferred.tsx

The beauty of using Remix is that your routes provide the HTML but can also deliver the raw JSON to be reused in your native apps and can be a backend for any frontend you wish to hook up!

For example, whilst running this app, try a GET request with the following:

# Don't worry too much about the "?index&_data" part - that's a remix implementation that's being improved soon
# Get all hotels
curl "localhost:5173/?index&_data"

# Get a specific hotel id=3
curl "localhost:5173/3?_data"

Notice how all the hotels are being sent as a JSON response! This is the beauty of remix. Even using this to proxy to another API, e.g. Laravel 😉 allows you to use this as your central API hander if you want a single source of truth for all of your frontends, React, React Native - anything really.


As for the frontend you will notice there is no fetch anywhere because Remix handles all of that logic for us. (Mind you, they don't stub fetch either, which is a common NextJS footgun)

Notice how few useState and useEffect calls there are throughout the whole application. It is beautiful in its simplicity, UX and legibility of code.


Just a quick note about the DB and the decisions I made for this project.

I decided to go with SQLite, because not only is it lightweight and simple which is perfect for this task, but because I have it saved to a file, there is no installation step required for you to run this project locally such as hooking up a database. Prisma hooks up all the calls from the locally saved DB which I have pushed to GitLab, (Of course I would deploy a DB in a production setting and not track it in version control)

You will notice at the bottom of my package.json that I have the following:

  // ...
  "prisma": {
    "seed": "npx tsx scripts/import-data.ts"

When Prisma generates the initial data it seeds the database. The beauty of running a ts script is that the file can be run manually and after you look at it you will see it is implemented with flexibility in mind so that seeding new/more data is easily possible when needed.

For the future of course it would be easier to implement full CRUD into this app, however, I believe this was out of the scope of the requested task.


Thank you very much for reviewing this, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Best regards, Moishi.



Language:TypeScript 83.9%Language:JavaScript 9.5%Language:CSS 3.4%Language:Dockerfile 3.2%