mohapsat / salesforce-marketingcloud

Uses FuelSDK and Async RestAPI to create and populate data extensions in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Async Data Load


  • Read from source database table (while persisting datatypes and col widths)
  • Drop and Create Data Extension (DE) is SFMC in a target folder
  • Load data into the Data Extension

usage: [-h] [-s TABLE_NAME] [-t TARGET_DE] [-f FOLDERID] [-c CHUNK_SIZE]

SFMC Async Data Load

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -s TABLE_NAME  Source Teradata table
  -t TARGET_DE   target Salesforce data extension
  -f FOLDERID    target Salesforce folder ID
  -c CHUNK_SIZE  Batch size for Salesforce Load

License: MIT


Uses FuelSDK and Async RestAPI to create and populate data extensions in Salesforce Marketing Cloud


Language:Python 100.0%