mohantee / entertainment-streaming

Video streaming web app challenge from frontendmentor

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Frontend Mentor - Entertainment web app solution

This is a solution to the Entertainment web app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic project.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Navigate between Home, Movies, TV Series, and Bookmarked Shows pages
  • Add/Remove bookmarks from all movies and TV series
  • Search for relevant shows on all pages
  • Bonus: Build this project as a full-stack application (future implementation)
  • Bonus: If you're building a full-stack app, we provide authentication screen (sign-up/login) designs if you'd like to create an auth flow (future implementation)



My process

Here is a timeline of the process I went through:

  • Initialise Vite React + Typescript template, setup linting and formatting configuration.
  • No dependencies required to install in the beginning. Initially I wanted to use the css modules approach which comes pre-packaged with the starting template.
  • Replicated the "Design System" from figma to create the design tokens required for the project. Put the design tokens in index.css for use in every CSS file.
  • Looked at the design file to realise all the components required for the challenge. Before setting up the router, I developed all the components of the app first.
  • Installed React Router dependencies and created the app routes.
  • First I worked on the Search feature and after that on the Bookmarks feature. Used 'zustand' for global state management, and for syncing state across all the routes.
  • Implemented persist local storage so that bookmarks are not lost after reloading the page.
  • Worked on making CSS responsive across all sizes. I used mobile first approach for initial development process.
  • Initially, the components were not accessible at all. So I had to refactor the markup to improve accessibility.
  • All the thumbnails were using the CSS background-image property. This caused images to load after all the CSS assets have been downloaded. Removed the propery and implemented <picture> element instead to improve page load performance.
  • Converted all the images to .webp format, to improve page page load performance.

Built with

What I learned

  • This is the first time I used TypeScript on any project.
  • Writing accessible Slider and Card components.
  • How to improve performance by using modern image formats, and localizing the fonts instead of using Google CDN. And optimizing lighthouse score.
  • Responsive typography and fluid CSS design techniques.
  • This was my first time using Grid layout in a challenge. Before this I used flexbox most of the time.
  • Use of <picture> element.
  • Using React router and Zustand.

Continued development

Overall I am not happy how the process turned out. Initially I had planned to use CSS modules using the design tokens I had created. But I realized that using more than one class name using CSS modules seemed counter-intuitive to the module based approach. So I decided to not use CSS modules which I think made the CSS unorganised. There are a lot of changes to be desired for in the CSS I have written initially.

During this project I also realized that I am not using the proper git workflow. I develop all the features one by one on a single branch and create commits and move on to the next feature. From next time I plan to cut a new branch and use conventional commits. Once I am done working on a feature, I will merge it to the main branch.

I didn't account for accessible markup when I first developed the components. This led to changing the markup, and also a lot of CSS class names after I was done working on some features. It created a lot of unnecessary challenges which could've been avoided if I accounted for accessible markup from the get go.

In future challenges I would like to start development by setting up CI/CD pipelines first. Develop feature by feature, write automated tests, and use conventional commits.

Useful resources



From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the Front-end mentor community for replying to my queries and doubts instantly. Special shout-out to Grace-Snow and AlexKMarshall. This solution would've left a lot to be desired for, without their continued support. I also don't have to scourge through the internet looking for best practice guides as they are always available to answer every question I have, which saves a lot of time and makes the development process smoother.


Video streaming web app challenge from frontendmentor

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 62.0%Language:CSS 34.2%Language:JavaScript 2.5%Language:HTML 1.2%