Mohanad Khaled (mohanadsaeed)


Geek Repo

Location:Cairo, Egypt

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Mohanad Khaled's repositories


AUTOSAR Basic Software module DIO Driver For TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller impelementing the functionality, API and the configuration of the AUTOSAR BasicSoftware module DIO Driver. This driver specification is applicable for on-chip ports and port pins. This module shall provide the service for writing or reading the configured pins of the microcontroller.



This is the autopilot system for JETSTAR aircraft at flight condition 4.



I am making this repo to track all changes in my embedded drivers till reaching to professional version



AUTOSAR Basic Software module PORT Driver For TM4C123GH6PM Microcontroller impelementing the functionality, API and the configuration of the AUTOSAR Basic Software module PORT Driver. This driver specification is applicable for on-chip ports and port pins. This module shall provide the service for initializing the whole PORT structure of the microcontroller.



Control the motor speed through potentiometer. The pontentiometer is connected through ADC driver and the motor speed is controlled through PWM signal. Also activate INT1 with raising edge to revert the motor direction. In the project I implemented the following drivers (LCD, ADC, DC Motor, Timer 0 PWM mode, External Interrupt)



Door Locker Security System consists of two ECU’s. The first ECU called HMI responsible for interfacing with the user and the second ECU called control ECU which is responsible for the system operations and control. In the project I implemented the following drivers Keypad, LCD, DC Motor, UART, Timer, I2C and External EEPROM.



In this project, we implemented a traffic lights system with an on-demand crosswalk button using ATmega32..



Payment systems are now available everywhere and everyone interacts with these systems every day. There are different types of transactions you can make, SALE, REFUND, Pre-Authorization, and VOID. SALE: means to buy something and its price will be deducted from your bank account. REFUND: this means that you will return something and wants your money back to your bank account. Pre-Authorization: means holding an amount of money from your account, e.g Hotel reservation. VOID: this means canceling the transaction, e.g if the seller entered the wrong amount. You are required to implement the SALE transaction only by simulating the card, terminal(ATM), and the server.



My Ground Station is a fully managed service that managed us to control satellite communications, process data (packing & unpacking), send commands, receive data from sensors, control motors speed (rpm). There are many software and programming languages that help us to design any ground station ex. LabVIEW, Mat-Lab, C#, …etc. We chose to design our ground station using Mat-Lab according to our previous knowledge about it.



Stopwatch based on ATmega16 microcontroller and six 7-Segments connected to microcontroller using only 10 GPIO pins (4-pins to the decoder of the six 7-segments and 6-pins for 6 transistors for selection), also using 3 buttons for stop, resume and reset options.
