This application has 5 main object that have their respective responsibilities.
- ROMAN HASHMAP : This object save roman number as a key and arabic number as a value.
- TRANSLATOR: Used to change the foreign word to arabic value number. Translator depends on Roman Hashmap And Currency Object.
- CURRENCY: Used to store information about currency like IRON, SILVER GOLD.
- PARSER: extract information from statement using Regex that user write. Information that can be extract can be new Currency, foreign numbers and question.
- EVENTPROCESSOR: used as the bridge/connector between input, processor, and output. Eventprocessor decide what type of statement that user input and decide what the output.
- Go >= 1.20
Just clone this repository and make sure go was installed on your machine
Run test:
go test ./... -v -cover
go run main.go or ./
Create a new foreign word based on symbols of Roman numerals Enter it one by one line
glob is I
prok is V
pish is X
tegj is L
Create new currency value
glob glob Silver is 34 Credits
glob prok Gold is 57800 Credits
pish pish Iron is 3910 Credits
Get the arabic value of foreign words Input:
how much is pish tegj glob glob ?
pish tegj glob glob is 42
Find the Credit value based on foreign number and foreign currency Input:
how many Credits is glob prok Silver ?
glob prok Silver is 68 Credits
Check if one foreign number has more than another foreign number Input:
Does pish tegj glob glob Iron has more Credits than glob glob Gold
pish tegj glob glob Iron has less Credits than glob glob Gold
Check if one foreign number has less than another foreign number Input:
Does glob glob Gold has less Credits than pish tegj glob glob Iron?
glob glob Gold has more Credits than pish tegj glob glob Iron
Check if one foreign number is larger than another foreign number Input:
Is glob prok larger than pish pish?
glob prok is smaller than pish pish
Check if one foreign number is smaller than another foreign number Input:
Is tegj glob glob smaller than glob prok?
tegj glob glob is larger than glob prok
Unknown statemtn
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ?
I have no idea what you are talking about