mohammed90 / gophercon-2020-winapi

Go Windows API Examples

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Safety Not Guaranteed - GopherCon 2020

This repo contains some full-featured examples of calling Windows APIs from Go from my talk at GopherCon. Check out each folder for mor information.

Building and Running the Examples

Run .\build.ps1, the commands will be built into the .\bin folder

Unsafe Operations

Here is a list of collection unsafe operations that should be in your tool belt.

Pointer Arithmetic

var arr *T // Pointer to the first element of the array
i := uintptr(1) // subscript/offset to the element we want
sz := unsafe.Sizeof(T{}) // sz = size of T in bytes

// t := arr[i]
t := *(*T)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(arr)) + (i * sz)))
// this is several steps all happening on one line:
//  a) uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(arr)) --- convert to uintptr so we can do arithmetic
//  b) (a + i*sz) - advance the pointer the correct number of bytes to get to index 'i'
//  c) (*T)unsafe.Pointer(b) -- convert uintptr back to a *T
//  d) *(c) -- dereference *T to get the value T

Note: As of Go 1.17, the unsafe package has unsafe.Add making pointer-arithmetic more straight-forward.

var arr *T // Pointer to the first element of the array
i := uintptr(1) // subscript/offset to the element we want
sz := unsafe.Sizeof(T{}) // sz = size of T in bytes

// t := arr[i]
t := *(*T)(unsafe.Add(unsafe.Pointer(arr),i * sz))


C-Strings are either *uint8 (ANSI) or *uint16 (UTF-16) But regardless, to find the length, use pointer arithmetic.

func strlen(p *uint8) (n int) {
	if p == nil {
	for *p != 0 {
		// Go 1.16 and earlier
		p = (*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)) + 1))
		// Go 1.17 and later
		// p = (*uint8)(unsafe.Add(unsafe.Pointer(p), 1))

Converting from *T,len => []T

A C array is a pointer to the first element. The size of the array is either given, or found (rather unsafely) by traversing the array until encountering a sentinel (usually NULL).

var tptr *T // Pointer to the first element of the array
var n int   // The real length of the array

// Convert *T,n to []T
ts := (*[1 << 30]T)(unsafe.Pointer(tptr))[:n:n]
// this is 3 steps all happening at once:
//  a) unsafe.Pointer(tptr) --- so we can convert to a pointer of another type
//  b) (*[1<<30]T)(a) -- convert to a pointer to a large array.
//  c) (b)[0:n:n] -- create a slice backed by the array we're pointing at, setting both its length and capacity to the known value 'n'

Note: As of Go 1.17, the unsafe package has unsafe.Slice(ptr *T, len anyIntegerType) []T making this construct obsolete 🎉.

var tptr *T // Pointer to the first element of the array
var n int   // the real length of the array

// Convert *T,n to []T
ts := unsafe.Slice(tptr,n)


Go Windows API Examples


Language:Go 97.2%Language:PowerShell 2.8%