mohammed-taha-roshan / YAKt-Yet-Another-KRaft

It is a metadata system that replaces Zookeeper in Kafka. It uses Pyraft and Telnet lib libraries for leader election, raft node structure, and log replication. The system provides endpoints for registering brokers, creating topics and partitions, registering producers, and more.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Libraries used:

  1. Pyraft - leader election, raft node structure, log replication
  2. Telnetlib - used get, set methods for log replication

Metadata Records used:

  1. RegisterBrokerRecord:
  2. Topic Record
  3. Partition Record
  4. ProducerID Record
  5. Change Broker Record

End points created:

  1. /register_broker - Responsible for the registration of brokers. Added additional timestamp for snapshot purposes.
  2. /get_active_brokers - Responsible for the retrieving brokers with status 'ALIVE'
  3. /create_topic - Responsible for creating topic
  4. /get_topic_by_name/string:topic_name - Responsible for retrieving the topic according to the name specified by the client.
  5. /create_partition - Responsible for creating partition
  6. /register_producer - Responsible for the registration of producers
  7. /update_broker - Responsible for updating the current node state and appending to 'change broker record' with an increment to epoch.
  8. /unregister_broker/string:broker_id - Responsible for changing the broker status to 'CLOSED' and delete the broker from the node. Note: Broker information can still be retrieved from metadata if required.
  9. /broker_mgmt/float:previous_offset - Responsible for fetching two different snapshots: i. Current State Snapshot - If timestamp offset is less than 10 minutes, retrieves the data present in the nodes ii. Complete State Snapshot - If timestamp offset is greater than 10 minutes, retrieves the state information from the metadata.
  10. /client_mgmt/float:previous_offset - Responsible for fetching two different snapshots: i. Current State Snapshot - If timestamp offset is less than 10 minutes, retrieves the data present in the nodes ii. Complete State Snapshot - If timestamp offset is greater than 10 minutes, retrieves strictly the topics, partitions, broker information.

Steps for initial node setup: python3 -i 1 -a

python3 -i 2 -a -e 1/

python3 -i 3 -a -e 1/,2/

python3 -i 4 -a -e 1/,2/,3/

python3 -i 5 -a -e 1/,2/,3/,4/

To visualize leader election - kill leader node


It is a metadata system that replaces Zookeeper in Kafka. It uses Pyraft and Telnet lib libraries for leader election, raft node structure, and log replication. The system provides endpoints for registering brokers, creating topics and partitions, registering producers, and more.