mohammadsaleh / cakephp-captcha-3

CakePHP Captcha Support for CakePHP 3.x

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Cakephp Captcha Support 3.0

CakePHP Captcha support. Tested with CakePHP 3.1.1

CakePHP 2.x version is here


  • Multiple Captcha Support.
    • It simply supports multiple captchas on a page. In different forms or in a single form.
  • Model Validation attahced as Behavior
  • Image and Simple Math Captcha
  • Configurable Model Name, Field Name, Captcha Height, Width, Number of Characters and Font Face, Size, Angle of rotation
  • Works without GD Truetype font support
  • Random or Fixed Captcha Themes for Image Captchaa
  • Random Font face



Place all files (except "controller" and "table" file) bundled in this package in corresponding folders.

Follow instructions given below to place code in Controller, Model\Table and Template files.

###In Controller

Add in the top initialize function of your Controller.

$this->loadComponent('Captcha', ['field'=>'securitycode']);

Note: In these examples "captcha" and User are the default input field name and the Table names respectively. Replace with appropriate names.

Add this function in your controller.

function captcha()	{
    $this->autoRender = false;

Add similar logic to the the "action" of your form in your controller. Line ending with comment "//captcha" is the one which is related to the captcha call.

public function add()
    $user = $this->Users->newEntity();
    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
    $this->Users->setCaptcha('securitycode', $this->Captcha->getCode('securitycode')); //captcha
        $user = $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $this->request->data);
        if ($this->Users->save($user)) {
            $this->Flash->success(__('The user has been saved.'));
            return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
        } else {
            $this->Flash->error(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
    $this->set('_serialize', ['user']);

###In Model\Table\UsersTable.php

Add following code in the initialize function:

$this->addBehavior('Captcha', [
'field' => 'securitycode',
'message' => 'Incorrect captcha code value'

###In Template\User\add.ctp

In the view file, add the following line of code, wherever you want captcha image and input box to be appeared:

echo $this->Captcha->create('securitycode', $settings); //$settings are optional

Also place the following javascript script code in somewhere in your page body so it is called properly and executed. Skip jquery library call if already loaded.

jQuery('.creload').on('click', function() {
    var mySrc = $(this).prev().attr('src');
    var glue = '?';
    if(mySrc.indexOf('?')!=-1)  {
        glue = '&';
    $(this).prev().attr('src', mySrc + glue + new Date().getTime());
    return false;

That should be it!

Optional Configuration

Open the Controller/Component/CaptchaComponent.php file and make necessary changes in the $settings variable defined near line 130.

##More examples

###Custom settings:

echo $this->Form->create($user);
echo $this->Captcha->create($custom1);

###Multiple captchas:

//form 1
echo $this->Form->create($user);
echo $this->Captcha->create($custom1);

//form 2, A math captcha, anywhere on the page
echo $this->Form->create($user);
echo $this->Captcha->create($custom2);

Settings that can be set in your view file:

  • model: model name.
  • field: field name.
  • type: image or math. If set to 'math' all following settings will be obsolete
  • width: width of image captcha
  • height: height of image captcha
  • theme: theme/difficulty image captcha
  • length: number of characters in image captcha
  • angle: angle of rotation for characters in image captcha

Additional settings that can be set in Component file.

  • fontAdjustment: Responsible for the font size relational to Captcha Image Size
  • reload_txt: The phrase which appears as a Captcha Reload link
  • clabel: Label for Image Captcha Value input field
  • mlabel: Label for Math Captcha Value input field


  • Math captha is working now.
  • Tested with CakePHP 3.1.1



Copyright (C) Arvind Kumar,, All rights reserved.


CakePHP Captcha Support for CakePHP 3.x


Language:PHP 100.0%