mohammad2java / restservicedemo-sample


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

springdoc v3

1) display allowable values
2) display manadatory field
3) display request sample json as working request


only use to metadata [api,swagger..etc] , no try & catch
  contains 2 statement in each catch block.
  1) calling service method to get result
  HelloResonse ret = helloservice.hello(request);
  2) return statement of controller.
 return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(ret);
service method will keep try & catch , will handle db transaction, 
will throw exception for server side validation[catch by Controller advice],
 payload validation will done by hibernate validator.
 each integration will use -resttemplate with interceptor [to log request metadata & response meta-data]

// databse will keep last status of any request [fail/pass/with remark]

For Lookup method demo -checkout 'lookup_method_demo' branch.




Language:Java 100.0%