mohammad2java / freemarker_docs

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##FreemarkerTemplate docs

1-binding variable: ${variable}
Example: <a href="${latestProduct.url}">${}</a>!

note:- "${latestProduct.url}" if url property is public
"${latestProduct.getUrl()}"  if url is private property

2-FTL tags: (also known as freemarker directive)

#1) assignment directive

defined variable
<#assign x = 1>  <#-- create variable x -->
<#assign x = "plain">
1. ${x}  <#-- we see the plain var. here -->

#2) condition directive

1) <#if> tag;

 Welcome ${user}<#if user == "Big Joe">, our beloved leader</#if>!
 <#if animals.python.price == 0>
  Pythons are free today!
<#if animals.python.price < animals.elephant.price>
  Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.
  Pythons are not cheaper than elephants today.

<#if animals.python.price < animals.elephant.price>
  Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.
<#elseif animals.elephant.price < animals.python.price>
  Elephants are cheaper than pythons today.
  Elephants and pythons cost the same today.

If you have a variable with boolean value (a true/false thing) 
then you can use it directly as the condition of if:
<#if animals.python.protected>
  Pythons are protected animals!

#3) loop directive

The list directive(for looping)
<#list animals as animal>
    <tr><td>${}<td>${animal.price} Euros

<#list misc.fruits as fruit>

Note-FTL tag also can written in side html tag as atrribute:
<#list animals as animal>
      <div<#if animal.protected> class="protected"</#if>>
        ${} for ${animal.price} Euros

#4) include directive

<#include "/copyright_footer.html">
<#include "/common/copyright.ftl">

dealing with missing variables

h1>Welcome ${user!"visitor"}!</h1>
if user is missing it will print visitor

3-FTL comments: Directive tags:
<#-- we see the plain var. here -->

1-:for list fetching
<#if types??>
  <#list types as type>

dealing to accessing i18n messages

spring-mvc-*.jar provide a variable called.springMacroRequestContext
that is reference of object ""
in class "AbstractTemplateView" you can see this hard-core variable passing to template.

using methods of this object can be display the 18n message.
${springMacroRequestContext.getMessage(code, text)}

directive style to fetch i18n messages

There is user defined macro build by spring- spring.ftl .
if this is not working you can  create your own user-defined directive

user_define directive

<#macro directive_name var1 var2...>

body of directives


calling way to userdefined directive

<@directive_name var1="valu1".../>

my example:

####defining macro
<#macro greet person>
  Hello ${person}!

####calling macro
<@greet person="Fred"/>