mohammad2java / apache-http-server-demo

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Apache http server docs

Basic Concept:

It is web server working as front controller and its made using c language.
its having list of modules bydefault in setup packge some of preloaded or few are commented.
Module having list of directives which use as commond or tag element to configure web server as per customer requirement.

In one line

Apache-Http-Server = Collection of Modules
Module = Collection of Directive
Directive = Command or tag element that use to configure server based on requirement

you can check every module with their directive

how to download and install(windows)

1-visit and search apache http server
2-open and click download button.
3-click on stable realease-(2.4.39 (released 2019-04-01)) for today(17/july/2019)
4- click for Files for Microsoft Windows 
5-click for Apache Lounge
6-click for vc_redist_x64 or vc_redist_x86. (pre-requisite for apache lounge)
7-click for /or  (based on system-type(64bit or 32bit))
8-install vc_redist_x64 (using next next techniq)
9-unzip this and paste into c drive.
10-create path for bin dir
11-open cmd(administrator) and run following command to install server as service.
httpd.exe -k install
12(optional-if required)- to remove apache service from windows service.
httpd.exe -k uninstall
13-to verify hit localhost in web browser.

How to Start/Stop Server and compile the conf file

In Linux: (service name is httpd)
  service httpd start/stop/status   or systemctl start/stop/status httpd/http2

 In Windows: (service name is Apache2.4) you can use UI window to start/stop service manually
 1) net start/stop Apache2.4
 2) sc query Apache2.4   {for status of any services}

for compile
httpd -t

for showing vhost configuration
httpd -S

for restart appache server
httpd -k restart

Terms in Apache web servers

important directive/commands

1.1-DocumentRoot  -define deployable directory
4-LoadModule  --load the module (it extends functionality interm of directive every module having their own directive) 
5-Include     --include other conf file
6-LogLevel    --set web server log-level
7-ErrorLog    --defined log file
8-CustomLog   --use to defined custom log  
9-Require all denied  
10-Require all denied
11-AllowOverride None
12-Options Indexes   ---to listing directory and sub-directories
13-User daemon  
14-Group daemon
15-ServerAdmin   --to send mail by server incase of some issue
16-ServerName (optional- not need to defined)

important tags/elements

1-<IfModule moduleName>
2-<Directory directortyPath>
3-<Files ".ht*">
4-<VirtualHost *:80>
configuration section link:


This use to define main directory of apache-server setup
bydefault /etc/httpd for Linux and c:/Apache24 for windows
you can change customise location based on your apache-server setup;

    ServerRoot custom-location
    Define SRVROOT "c:/amir/Apache24"
    ServerRoot "${SRVROOT}"

define is use to declare variable syntax- Define variableName variableValue
${} is use to get value of variable


To define deployable/site directory
Syntax : DocumentRoot dir_path

default config in Linux is DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
default config in Windows is DocumentRoot "${SRVROOT}/htdocs"


This directive is use to make whitelist ip and/or port to access webservers
1) Listen
2) Listen 82

Listen 82 --means this server will be accessible by port 82
Listen  -means this server will be accessible by port 82 with specific ip.

How to listing dir or not listing directory

<Directory /var/www/html/index_allow> 
  Options Indexes

<Directory /var/www/html/index_deny> 

root path of deployable dir is -/var/www/html (in linux)
root path of deployable dir is - "${SRVROOT}/htdocs" (in windows)
Define SRVROOT "c:/Apache24"
root path of deployable dir is is "c:/Apache24/htdocs" (in windows)

VirtualHost directive

This is very important to make multiple hostserver inside single web-server.
This is very good to hide application server using reverse proxy rule


1) in windows default file for virtualhost setup is 

2) include vhost file in main conf file.(main conf file is httpd.conf)
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

3)load follwing module
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

VirtualHost using same webserver with seperate directory

as you know htdocs is default root directtory for localhost with port:80

    DocumentRoot "${SRVROOT}/htdocs/host1"
    ServerAlias server1 servers2
    ServerAlias *
    ErrorLog "logs/"
    CustomLog "logs/" common

syntax : <VirtualHost vadrress:vport>
<VirtualHost *:*> * -accept for all(all ips and port) ,if not all you can put specific one like 
<VirtualHost *:80>  -accept all ip with port 80  
<VirtualHost>  --accept only address with port 80

flow matching step:

when client hit any address in address bar then browser local hosts file to find associated ip (if address entry is not present in hosts file then client looks dns provider and ask for server machine ip)

when get ip it will send request to that machine -machine server (apache-web-server) accept the request and match in conf file based on following orders. 1- match vaddress and port ( mandatory match) --vaddress can be ip/host 2- match ServerName 3- match ServerAlias

Note: final called block will be maximum match block..if all block match only madatory one then first one will be called block.

VirtualHost using external app server (reverse proxy)

<VirtualHost shlocal:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8088/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8088/
ServerName shlocal

ProxyPreserveHost On --means vaddress will be preserved instead of Actual address
ProxyPass  --vAddress will be act as proxy for actual address
ProxyPassReverse --vAddress will be act as proxy for actual address 
ServerName shlocal   --sencond matching for vaddress.

RewriteRule , RewrireEngine and RewriteCond

This is completly directory scope concept to match url pattern(RegularExpression to call something else url).
This can be use in 2 ways.
1) using .htaccess file  (inside the directory which you want to associate with RewriteEngine)
2) using httpd.conf file 

if you want to apply RewriteEngine as root level means (in htdocs directory)
open httpd.conf and written below code inside the htdocs dir.

1)enable the Rewrite_module
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

2) add following code inside htdocs dir
<Directory "${SRVROOT}/htdocs">
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
    Options indexes FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch 
    RewriteEngine On                               
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f       --means  if file exist dont apply RewriteRule
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d        --means  if directory exist dont apply RewriteRule
    RewriteRule "^(.*)$"  "/myproj/index2.html"    --syntax :  RewriteRule "url-pattern(regularexpress)"  "target-url"

if you want to use .htaccess file can move Rewrite related code into .htaccess file and file must be inside htdocs(if you want to apply at root level) else in which you want to assciate)

#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
#RewriteRule "^(.*)$"  "/myproj/index2.html"

Redirect in Apache server

# Redirect also is similer to RewriteRule and also can write inside .htaccess file
#syntax: redirect [status-code] "pattern" "target"
Redirect 301 /gituser
#Syntax --RedirectMatch regular-express target-url
RedirectMatch 301 /perl/.*

##SSL in APACHE2 ( deb distribution)

	1) check openssl tool in lInux
	which openssl or type openssl
	if not present please install using 'apt install openssl' (mint)
	2) create selfsign cert(for testing purpose) or CSR (for prod to sent CA for gettting cert).
	2.1) command selfsign cert:
	sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt
	2.2) command for CSR request
	openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key -out domain.csr
	Notes: for selfsign we have to provide selfsign mode (-x509) and validity(-days 365).
	3) make sure command name can be your ip/hostname/start or wildcard hostname
	 Example: Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:IP/hostname/starthostname
	 4) enable headers and mod_ssl modules (a2en<mod|site|
	 		sudo a2enmod ssl
			sudo a2enmod headers
	 5) enable default-ssl site along with default configuration (  _default_ means apache-server-ip-host)
	 	sudo a2ensite default-ssl   --it will create default-ssl.conf will SSL configuration.
	 6) you can config following 3 directive with your host.
	 SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key
    7) restart the apache2
     systemctl restart apache2