moguelor / rn-google-maps-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Challenge Project.

Challenge project created to show the knowledge acquired as Mobile Developer with technologies to create universal native apps (ios and android) with react-native and typescript.

Demo Videos



Started Kit

The initial structure is created by expo, the complete framework for react-native to agilize the developement.


Execute the follow commands.

git clone
cd rn-google-maps-challenge
npm install
npm start

You'll see an QR code, download the Expo Go application for ios and android

You'll see the application running directly on your device.

Structure Folder

|-- .expo                      # Expo related config files.
|-- .husky                     # Automatizing the linter and format pre-commits.
|-- .vscode                    # vscode settings file.
|-- assets                     # Assets for the application.
|-- src
    |-- __tests__              # Unit tests with jest.
    |-- shared                 # Shared items along the application.
        |-- components         # Reusable components
        |-- hooks              # Encapsulated logic in hooks.
        types.ts               # Reusable types for typescript.
        utils.ts               # Helpful utilities.
    |-- views                  # Views of the app.
.eslintignore                  # Ignored items for eslint.
.eslintrc                      # Configuration for eslint.
.gitignore                     # Ignored files,
.prettierrc                    # Prettier configuration,
app.json                       # Main app configuration.
App.tsx                        # Point of entry of the application.
babel.config.js                # Babel configuration.
packages.json                  # Packages.
tsconfig.json                  # Typescript rules configuration.


Here are the main libraries used in the project.

Code support


Deploy - Development

Google APIs

Required features.

  • 1. Implement search text with autocomplete from google maps.
  • 2. As minimum three letters to start calling the api.
  • 3. Add debounced function to wait 500 miliseconds of inactivity to start the search.
  • 4. If the user select an item from the suggestions this would be interpreted as a custom marker in the map.
  • 5. Add a clear button to remove the query and start a new search.
  • 6. Request for the localization of the user, set it up as default if is no selected any marker.


  • Added a smooth look and feel with animations.
  • Added extra validations when the user is calling the api.
  • Customized the application with the splash and icons.
  • Added unit testing for some util functions.
  • Added clean and reusable components.



Screen Splash



Language:TypeScript 98.2%Language:JavaScript 1.5%Language:Shell 0.3%