moezshakeri / flutter_clean_project

a sample flutter app using Injection, routing and simple authentication follows clean code and best practices

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Flutter Clean Project

A sample flutter app using Injection, routing and simple authentication follows clean code and best practices


  • Cleaned flutter project
  • Used linter with rules as errors
  • Configured route generator
  • Pass parameters / variables through routes
  • Simple AuthService & configured Guard for routes
  • Well structured flutter project contains Screens, Components, Services and so on..

Used Packages

Getting Started

Project root folder

The project root folder is src. In order to take advantage of VS Code settings open src as your work folder.


Auto generated files are committed into this repository. if you changed any part of codes which used auto generators you will have a compilation error. This can be resolved by running the auto generation command to create the sources necessary again to compile the app.

After checking out the branch simply run:

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

You can also use the watch command to constantly generate files on change:

flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is done by using Injectable package.

After you run the build_runner command a file named setup.config.dart will get generated which holds all the injections.


Routing is done by using AutoRoute package.

There is a service called router in /Services which using AutoRoute package to generate routes and paths in app.

After you run the build_runner command a file named will get generated which holds all the routes and classes used for routing.

also for showcasing how to pass parameters from paths to screens, see /home/message/message_screen_v.dart

State Management

Selected state management for this project is Cubit.

The Cubit is a subset of the famous implementation of BLoC Pattern:, it abandons the concept of Events and simplifies the way of emitting states.

There are 3 parts for each component / screen to managing the states.

  • name_m.dart

    • Model: this file contains definition of models for state management. to reduce duplicate codes like copyWith, isA[Class] and so on, I used Freezed package to auto generate needed classes and constructors for each state model.
  • name_v.dart

    • View: this file contains the view for our component / screen which extends from BaseView class. the BaseView class itself extends from StatelessWidget and has a getter to get the viewModel inside the view. it's using locateService<T>() and Injectable DI.
  • name_vm.dart

    • ViewModel: this file contains the viewModel for our component / screen which extends from BaseViewModel class (T is the state Model class). the BaseViewModel<T> class itself extends from cubit<T>.


I defined 3 screens in this project.

  • Home
    • the root path of application.
      • have a link to message screen with passing a parameter to it.
      • using AuthService to logout user.
      • showing counter component in it.
  • message
    • a screen to demo how to get a parameter in our routing system.
      • the input parameter is defined in view's constructor [String message].
      • also in the routing service, I have to define the input parameter for this screen.
  • login
    • login screen with a simple button and use AuthService to do the fake login in application.
      • there is optional parameter called redirectPath which used by router to navigate user back to where he/she been after successful login.
      • to guard selected routes and navigate user to this screen, I defined class AuthenticatedUser in the routing service class.

there is a file in each folder with folder_name.dart pattern name, which includes exports of files inside that folder. I use this pattern to minimize imports for other parts of application and classes. in usage we only need to import components.dart or screens.dart to use each folders implementations.


Right now there is only one component in this project to demonstrate how to use components in screens.

  • counter
    • a simple counter component with cubit state management.
    • I used this component inside the Home screen.





Contact me

if you have any question or suggestion, please contact me :


a sample flutter app using Injection, routing and simple authentication follows clean code and best practices

License:MIT License


Language:Dart 91.0%Language:HTML 7.8%Language:Swift 0.8%Language:Kotlin 0.3%Language:Objective-C 0.1%