modusoperandi / whoops_logger

notifier base for whoops

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Whoops Logger

Use Whoops Logger to send log messages to a Whoops server.


Add whoops_logger to your Gemfile

Add WhoopsLogger.config.set(config_path) to your project, where config_path is a path to a YAML file. The YAML file takes the following options:


You can also use pass a Hash to WhoopsLogger.config.set instead of a path to a YAML file.


Whoops Logger sends Messages to Whoops. Messages are created with Strategies. Below is the basic strategy found in lib/whoops_logger/basic.rb:

strategy ="default::basic")

strategy.add_message_builder(:use_basic_hash) do |message, raw_data|
  message.event_type             = raw_data[:event_type]
  message.service                = raw_data[:service]
  message.environment            = raw_data[:environment]
  message.message                = raw_data[:message]
  message.event_group_identifier = raw_data[:event_group_identifier]
  message.event_time             = raw_data[:event_time] if raw_data[:event_time]
  message.details                = raw_data[:details]

To use this strategy, you would call

WhoopsLogger.log("default::basic", {
  :event_type             => "your_event_type",
  :service                => "your_service_name",
  :environment            => "development",
  :message                => "String to Show in Whoops Event List",
  :event_group_identifier => "String used to assign related events to a group",
  :event_time             => "Defaults to now",
  :details                => "A string, hash, or array of arbitrary data"

You can create as many strategies as you need. For example, in a Rails app, you could use a strategy for logging exceptions which occur during a controller action (in fact there’s a gem for that). You could use a separate strategy for logging exceptions which occur during a background job. With controller actions, you care about params, sessions, and that data. That data isn’t even present in background jobs, so it makes sense to use different strategies.

Message Builders

Each strategy consists of one or more message builders. The message builders are called in the order in which they are defined.

Internally, each Strategy stores its message builders in the array message_builders, and it’s possible to modify that array directly if you want. For example, you might want to modify a Strategy provided by a library.

The method add_message_builder is provided for convenience. Below is an example of add_message_builder taken from the Whoops Rails Logger:

strategy.add_message_builder(:basic_details) do |message, raw_data|
  message.service     = self.service
  message.environment = self.environment
  message.event_type  = "exception"
  message.message     = raw_data[:exception].message
  message.event_time  =

strategy.add_message_builder(:details) do |message, raw_data|
  exception = raw_data[:exception]
  rack_env  = raw_data[:rack_env]

  details = {}
  details[:backtrace] = exception.backtrace.collect{ |line|
    line.sub(/^#{ENV['GEM_HOME']}/, '$GEM_HOME').sub(/^#{Rails.root}/, '$Rails.root')

  details[:http_host]      = rack_env["HTTP_HOST"]
  details[:params]         = rack_env["action_dispatch.request.parameters"]
  details[:query_string]   = rack_env["QUERY_STRING"]
  details[:remote_addr]    = rack_env["REMOTE_ADDR"]
  details[:request_method] = rack_env["REQUEST_METHOD"]
  details[:server_name]    = rack_env["SERVER_NAME"]
  details[:session]        = rack_env["rack.session"]
  details[:env]            = ENV
  message.details          = details

strategy.add_message_builder(:create_event_group_identifier) do |message, raw_data|
  identifier = "#{raw_data[:controller]}##{raw_data[:action]}"
  identifier << raw_data[:exception].backtrace.collect{|l| l.sub(Rails.root, "")}.join("\n")
  message.event_group_identifier = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(identifier)

There’s a bit more about message builders in the WhoopsLogger::Strategy documentation.

Ignore Criteria

Sometimes you want to ignore a message instead of sending it off to whoops. For example, you might not want to log "Record Not Found" exceptions in Rails. If any of the ignore criteria evaluate to true, then the message is ignored. Below is an example:

strategy.add_ignore_criteria(:ignore_record_not_found) do |message|
  message.message == "Record Not Found"

strategy.add_ignore_criteria(:ignore_dev_environment) do |message|
 message.environment == "development"

Contributing to whoops_logger

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright (c) 2011 Daniel Higginbotham. See LICENSE.txt for further details.


notifier base for whoops

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%