modhtanmay / Algorithmic-Logical-Puzzles

Puzzles provides you a fun way to "invent" the key ideas on your own! Even if you fail to solve some puzzles, the time will not be lost as you will better appreciate the beauty and power of the underlying ideas.

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The below puzzles provides you a fun way to "invent" the key ideas on your own! Even if you fail to solve some puzzles, the time will not be lost as you will better appreciate the beauty and power of the underlying ideas.

Logic Puzzles List:-

  1. Bishops
  2. Rooks
  3. N Diagonals
  4. N Queens
  5. Three Hotels
  6. 21 Questions Game
  7. Two Adjacent Cells of Opposite Colors
  8. Florin coins
  9. Sums of Rows and Columns
  10. Hanoi Towers
  11. Magic Square
  12. Knights
  13. Numbers in 1…50 with no n and 2n
  14. Connect Points
  15. Local Maximum
  16. n2 + n + 41
  17. Balls in Boxes
  18. Numbers in Boxes
  19. Numbers on the ChessBoard
  20. Antimagic Square
  21. Piece on a ChessBoard
  22. Arthur's Book
  23. Switching Signs
  24. Summing up Digits
  25. 15-game


Puzzles provides you a fun way to "invent" the key ideas on your own! Even if you fail to solve some puzzles, the time will not be lost as you will better appreciate the beauty and power of the underlying ideas.