This is a simple type-safe representation of a Monetary.
- iOS 12.0+
- Xcode 11
You can use CocoaPods to install YourLibrary
by adding it to your Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'SinzuMoney'
import SinzuMoney
Sinzu Money uses Naira as its default currency type and can be initialized with any money value:
let money = Money.from(value: 10.32) // Positive value
let localizeMoney = money.localized
print(localizeMoney) //returns ₦10.32
let localizedMoney = Money.from(value: -10000000.32) // Negative value
let localized = localizedMoney.localized
print(localizedMoney) // returns ₦-10,000,000.32
But it isn’t restricted to just Naira you can use any currency type known on earth by simply using the currency code:
let usDollarCurrency = Money.Currency(code: "USD", name: "Dollar", symbol: "$", baseUnit: "US Dollar", decimalUnit: "Cent”).
let moneyWithNewCurrency = money.newWith(currency: usDollarCurrency)
print(moneyWithNewCurrency.localizedBalance) // returns $1,234.23K
You can also change only the currency symbol:
let dollarCurrency = Money.Currency.from(code: "$")
let newDollarCurrencyMoney = money.newWith(currency: dollarCurrency)
print(newDollarCurrencyMoney.localizedBalance) // returns $1,234.23K
Sinzu Money can help you get the monetary unit of any value:
let thousandMoney = Money.from(value: 30000.00)
print(thousandMoney.unit) // returns “K”
let millionMoney = Money.from(value: 3000000.00)
print(millionMoney.unit) // returns M
let billionMoney = Money.from(value: 30000000000.00)
print(billionMoney.unit) // returns B
Sinzu Money can also help you get human readable value:
let localizedMoney = Money.from(value: 1240000.6254204)
let localized = localizedMoney.humanReadable
print(localizedMoney) // returns 1,240,000.63
You can also get a suffix value of any amount:
let thousandMoney = Money.from(value: 30000.00)
print(thousandMoney.suffixAmount) // returns +30K
let millionMoney = Money.from(value: 3000000.00)
print(millionMoney.suffixAmount) // returns +3M
let billionMoney = Money.from(value: -30000000000.00)
print(billionMoney.suffixAmount) // returns -30B
If you want to send monetary value to backend, you can covert your value to either decimal or integer:
let money = Money.from(value: 1234.23)
print(money.backendDecimalPostableAmount) // returns 123423
print(money.backendIntegerPostableAmount) // returns 123400
We would love you for the contribution to SinzuMoney, check the LICENSE
file for more info.