moda20 / VagrantDockerElasticStack

The Elastic Search / APM Server / Kibana stack, in default and minimal configuration. Each stack component is in a separate docker container and all can be run ( for development purposes ) with Vagrant

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APM / Elastic Search / Kibana STACK:



Before we get started with the cool stuff => getting all the systems running on your own machine locally, we have to make sure that the following requirements are properly installed:

Cloning the Project:

Once all the requirements installed, we have to clone the project:

$ git

NOTE: I generally create all my vagrant projects under /$HOME/VagrantVms/.

Running Vagrant:


The primary function of the Vagrantfile is to describe the type of machine required for a project, and how to configure and provision these machines.

Defining VMs:

All the vagrant machines are based on bento/debian-10 image:

# Vagrantfile


BOX_IMAGE = "bento/debian-10"


Here we declared a variable BOX_IMAGE which we are going to use in each machine.

NOTE: The Vagrantfile is a Ruby file.

In this project we have a since VM with Three Docker containers each Container is defined like the following:

# Vagrantfile


  config.vm.synced_folder "apm_apm", "/home/vagrant/apm_apm"
  config.vm.provision "docker" do |docker|
        docker.build_image "/home/vagrant/apm_apm/",
          args: "-t apm_apm" "apm_apm",
          args: "-p 8200:8200"   

The definition is not exactly the same for all docker containers, but it follows the same concept of synchronizing folder and then creating then building then running the container.

Here we are assigning "apmapm" as hostname and finally created a private_network to allow host-only access using the specific IP "".

# Vagrantfile


  config.vm.hostname = "apmapm" "private_network", ip: ""

Synced folders enable Vagrant to sync a folder on the host machine to the guest machine which means that all the files in apm_apm(local) folder will be copied and synchronized with /home/vagrant/apm_apm(VM).

NOTE: Any changes will be reflected in both sides instantly if you are using VirtualBox as hypervisor, otherwise you need to reload the VM.



Running the VMs:

Now that we have everything locally, we can run vagrant to create all the different VMs:

$ vagrant up

To bring up a single VM:

$ vagrant up $machine_name

If you've changed the provisionning of any machine you need to reload(restart) it:

$ vagrant reload $machine_name --provision

NOTE: $machine_name is optional, if it's not specified all VMs in Vagrantfile will be reloaded.

Other useful vagrant commands:

$ vagrant halt           # Brings down all the VMs defined in the Vagrantfile
$ vagrant destroy        # Halts and remove the VMs
$ vagrant global-status  # Shows the state of all active Vagrant environment
$ vagrant --help         # Prints help for all vagrant commands


The Elastic Search / APM Server / Kibana stack, in default and minimal configuration. Each stack component is in a separate docker container and all can be run ( for development purposes ) with Vagrant


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%