mockersf / serde_dynamodb

Talk with dynamodb using your existing structs thanks to serde

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serde_dynamodb 0.8 and rusoto_core 0.46 incompatible

jc4x4 opened this issue · comments


I get the following error when I use serde_dynamodb 0.8 and rusoto_core 0.46. How would I fix it?

error[E0252]: the name `tls` is defined multiple times
  --> /home/jack/.cargo/registry/src/
23 | use hyper_rustls as tls;
   |     ------------------- previous import of the module `tls` here
24 | #[cfg(feature = "native-tls")]
25 | use hyper_tls as tls;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `tls` reimported here
   = note: `tls` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
25 | use hyper_tls as other_tls;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

@mockersf Can you take a look at this?

Choosing between rustls or native-tls is done by feature:

default = ["rusoto_dynamodb", "rusoto_dynamodb/rustls"]
rustls = ["rusoto_dynamodb", "rusoto_dynamodb/rustls"]
native-tls = ["rusoto_dynamodb", "rusoto_dynamodb/native-tls"]

This can happen if you have both feature rustls and native-tls enabled at the same time, or if you have native-tls enabled without disabling default features