mockersf / serde_dynamodb

Talk with dynamodb using your existing structs thanks to serde

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nested Values

marshauf opened this issue · comments


while I was implementing the missing functionality I noticed that you serialize nested values flat into a HashMap with keys like "parent-child". DynamoDB supports nested values. The child values of a struct can be stored in an AttributeValue { M: HashMap::new() } .
Any reason why you don't do that?

Hey !
Yes... laziness, and not knowing that much about DynamoDB...
I implemented the minimum that I needed to make my case work, and didn't have time to continue since

I continued your work and implemented the missing number types, vectors, nested structs, char and Option. Would you be interested in a pull request?

I would love it !

I published the crate with your changes, I think it now covers enough cases to be useful