News Mobile Apps (Kotlin + MVP + RxJava + Realm + Micro-apps)
1. $: git clone
2. $: git submodule update --init --recursive
3. $: git submodule foreach git pull origin master
- Why sudmodule?
ANS: multi repo due to micro-apps architecture my articles
- Why product flavours?
ANS: For ease of use to change the environment without affecting production environment (separate build config, static files, etc)
The codebase was written in Kotlin language by love
Glide (Image loading on articles)
RxJava (Implemented on SearchView)
Retrofit + Okthttp (Unsafe SSL client included, implement rest client endpoint and generator)
Realm (Store the actual API response to the local database, implement custom model Serializer to support Gson & Realm side by side: original article)
ButterKnife (View binding omit the bloated findViewById)
Koda Time (Ease of use LocalDate than traditional java.util.Date)
Gson (Ease of use to convert JSON to POJO & vice versa)
RelativeTimeTextView (Show the actual time articles has been published: "Published Now, Published 2 Hours Ago, etc")
ReadMore (To trim long text view)
Using Flavour dimension to switch between prod & dev environment (Separate actual codebase, and to allow multiple installation on the same phone, due to different package so it isn't conflicted each other)
CardView (Material Design-ish)
ConstraintLayout (Ease of use building xml layout)
Gitlab CI (CI / CD on Gitlab using .gitlab-ci.yml, for develop branch, previously this is my private project on gitlab)
UI & Unit Test not implemented (I'm still figuring it out why it is error with Realm when running the test: Reference)
- I'm using simple clean MVP pattern (Model-View-Presenter) inspired by Google Architecture
Source code (available on this repo)
APK (attached here gdrive link to this email, zipped, signed version)