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How to get started with WhatsApp Taxi?


Welcome to WhatsApp Taxi's Documentation.

Folder structure

  1. Driver Mobile app - The app for the driver
  2. Client Mobile app - The app for the client
  3. This is the zip that contains the code for the web project of WhatsApp Taxi. (Start with it)

Tech stack

Web Project - Laravel - v8

Inside it, we use a standard blade view. The landing page is using Tailwind CSS. However, the backend uses Bootstrap.

Mobile app, is React Native app, using Expo

The driver app, uses a geolocation service, to determine the driver's location

The client app is a simple wrapper on top of the web project.

To learn about all the APIs needed, please check the API setup section

Web project of WhatsApp Taxi

To install the project directly on shared hosting

{% content-ref url="docs/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

To install the project locally

{% content-ref url="docs/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

Driver mobile app

{% embed url="" %}

Client Taxi mobile app

{% embed url="" %}
