mobalt / nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • <C_Space> - trigger completion
  • diagnostics
    • [c/]c - previous/next
  • Go to
    • K - documentation (in preview window)
    • gd - definition
    • gy - type defintion
    • gi - implementation
    • gr - references
  • Actions
    • rn - rename
    • <L>f - format
    • <L>a - code action on selected region
      • example<L>aap - for current paragraph
    • <L>ac - action on current line
    • <L>qf - autofix problem on current line
    • Additional Commands
      • :Format - format current buffer
      • :Fold - fold current buffer
      • :OR - organize import of current buffer
  • List <L>l
    • To learn more about default mappings :h coc-list-mappings
    • < > - Resume latest List
    • l - Available lists
    • Vim
      • : - vimcommands: Commands
      • ; - cmdhistory: Command History
      • h - helptags: help tags of vim
      • / - searchhistory: search history
      • ~ - colors: color schemes
      • k - maps: key mappings
      • ~ - filetypes: set as filetype
    • coc.nvim
      • ~ - extensions: Manage extensions
      • ~ - Services
      • ~ - output: output channels
      • ~ - sources: completion sources
      • d - diagnostics: of current workspace
      • n - Show commands
    • Search <L>f
      • / - grep: grep text by rg
      • f - files: from cwd
      • d - folders: from current workspace
      • s - outline: symbols of current document
    • Git
      • ~ - issues: on github
      • ~ - gstatus: git status of current project
      • ~ - branches: git branches
      • ~ - commits: of current project
      • ~ - bcommits: commits of current file
      • ~ - gfiles: view files on different branches (or commits, or tags)
    • Items <L>l
      • w - windows: windows list
      • b - buffers
      • s - sessions: session list
      • m - marks: marks list
      • ~ - snippets
      • p - yank: list of yank history
    • Apply
      • ~ - actions: code actions on selected range
      • ~ - quickfix
    • Go to
      • ~ - links: in current buffer
      • ~ - tags: search from tags
      • ~ - locationlist of current window
      • ~ - location: last jump locations
      • ~ - mru: most recent used files
      • ~ - words: word matches of current buffer
      • <L>s - symbols: search workspace symbols
    • <L>j - Do default action for next item
    • <L>k - Do default action for previous item
    • <L>a - Manage extensions
  • Snippets
    • <C-k> - Jump to previous placeholder
    • <C-j> (prioritized)
      • (visual mode) Use select text for visual placeholder of snippet
      • Expand snippet
      • Jump to next placeholder
    • <C-l> - expand snippet
    • <C-j> - Jump to next placeholder
    • <Tab> - next snippet

Wiki <L>w

  • Go to
    • w - Nth Wiki (default 1)
    • t - open Nth wiki in new tab (default 1)
    • s - wiki select GUI
    • i - N diary
    • <L>w - today's entry
    • <L>t - today's entry in a new tab
    • <L>y - yesterday's entry
    • <L>m - tomorrow's entry

Edit config

common prefix: gs - Go to source

  • vim config gsv or grc
  • tmux config gst
  • ultisnips config gsu


  • Zoom into runner <leader>vz
  • Focus into window (also works in Tmux)
    • c_\ - last visited
    • <C-[hjkl]> - directional
  • NerdTree
    • <F3> - Toggle
    • <F2> - Locate current file
  • Toggle
    • <L>/ - search highlighting
  • Under cursor
    • <L>r - Rename
    • <C-space> - autocomplete
    • Go to
      • <S>k - documentation
      • <L>d - definition
      • <L>g - assignment
      • <L>n - usages
  • Session <L>s
    • o - open
    • s - save
    • d - delete
    • q - quit
  • Buffer <L>b
    • b - List (default)
    • p/n - Previous/Next
    • q - Quit
  • Window <L>p
    • Common
      • q - quit
      • o - only this, quit all others
      • t - move to new tab
      • p or <space> - List window panes
    • Split Buffer into direction
      • h/j/k/l - current buffer
      • H/J/K/L - new empty buffer
    • Move ; or # <L>P
      • ; - swap with next Pane
      • h/j/k/l - in that direction
      • r/R - rotate (↘) / (↖)
      • t - to new Tab
    • Resizing p
      • p/= - equilibrate
      • Width
        • | - set to N (default max)
        • h/l - add/subtract N (default 1)
      • Height
        • - - set to N (default max)
        • j/k - add/subtract N (default 1)
  • Tab <L>t...
    • Common:
      • t - List (default)
      • tn or # <C-n> - New
      • q - quit
      • e - edit
    • Focus
      • h/l - Leftmost/Rightmost
      • j/k - Right/Left
      • # [N]gt - go to Nth tab
    • Move current tab
      • H/L - Leftmost/Rightmost
      • J/K - Right/Left
  • Git <L>g
    • a - Add
    • c - Checkout
    • m - Commit
    • r - Rename
    • Q/X - Remove file from repo, close buffer
    • s - status
    • b - blame
    • d - diff
    • i - pull In
    • o - push Out
  • Characters <L>i or <L>a (depending on position)
    • Arrows a
      • North k
        • k - North ↑
        • h - ..West ↖
        • l - ..East ↗
        • j - Up-Down ⇅
          • Note: don't confuse ⇅ with ⇵ (down-up)
      • etc. h/j/k/l

Actions on File

  • Jump to file <L>e

  • Autoformat <F1>

  • Run tester <F12>

  • Compile

  • Runner <L>v

    • -/\ - Open runner Horizontally/Vertically
    • q - Close runner
    • a - Attach runner
    • z or <space> - Focus (Zoom-in) runner
    • . - Set working directory to current file
    • p - Prompt for new command to send
    • v - Run command (again?)
    • h or # <F12> - Run
    • # <C-f> - Send Lines
    • Send Keys s
      • q - q
      • d - ^D
      • l - ^L
      • c - ^C

Snippets * gsu - Go to UltiSnipsEdit * Installation

Install Yarn Install Vim-Plug:

curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \



Language:Vim Script 100.0%