mo9527 / OfflineSignProvider

Custom Ethereum web3 provider to facilitate separation of business layer and wallet layer

Repository from Github https://github.commo9527/OfflineSignProviderRepository from Github https://github.commo9527/OfflineSignProvider


This is a customized Ethereum web3-provider to facilitate separation of business layer and wallet layer


$ npm install libra-offlinesign-provider

General Usage

You can use this provider wherever a Web3 provider is needed.

const config = require('../config');
var Web3 = require('web3');
var nodeUrl = '';

var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(nodeUrl));

var abi = require("./contract.json");
var TruffleContract = require("truffle-contract");

var signServiceUrl = '';

var providerNew = new OfflineSignProvider(nodeUrl, signServiceUrl, [account1,account2,...], config.aesKey, false);

var contractAddress = "0xafc60ddf39e7a953c4d341f2f4a80accf3432b76";
var myContract = TruffleContract({ abi: abi });
myContract.defaults({ from: "0xd7358e66c2ec3e398b39567b0c9f53a8e8c6000f" });
var web3 = new Web3(providerNew); (instance) {
            }).catch(e => {


    example: var providerNew = new OfflineSignProvider(nodeUrl, signServiceUrl, [account1,account2,...], config.aesKey);
Name Type Description
nodeUrl string The eth network node ur
signServiceUrl string The signature service ur
accounts string Array format account address, that sign service will use one of them to signature the transaction data
aesKey string AES key defined with the signature service
enable0x boolean Use 0x or not. If you need sign the message offline When you use 0x project, this param must be 'true'


Custom Ethereum web3 provider to facilitate separation of business layer and wallet layer


Language:JavaScript 100.0%