This is a customized Ethereum web3-provider to facilitate separation of business layer and wallet layer
$ npm install libra-offlinesign-provider
You can use this provider wherever a Web3 provider is needed.
const config = require('../config');
var Web3 = require('web3');
var nodeUrl = '';
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(nodeUrl));
var abi = require("./contract.json");
var TruffleContract = require("truffle-contract");
var signServiceUrl = '';
var providerNew = new OfflineSignProvider(nodeUrl, signServiceUrl, [account1,account2,...], config.aesKey, false);
var contractAddress = "0xafc60ddf39e7a953c4d341f2f4a80accf3432b76";
var myContract = TruffleContract({ abi: abi });
myContract.defaults({ from: "0xd7358e66c2ec3e398b39567b0c9f53a8e8c6000f" });
var web3 = new Web3(providerNew); (instance) {
}).catch(e => {
example: var providerNew = new OfflineSignProvider(nodeUrl, signServiceUrl, [account1,account2,...], config.aesKey);
Name | Type | Description |
nodeUrl | string | The eth network node ur |
signServiceUrl | string | The signature service ur |
accounts | string | Array format account address, that sign service will use one of them to signature the transaction data |
aesKey | string | AES key defined with the signature service |
enable0x | boolean | Use 0x or not. If you need sign the message offline When you use 0x project, this param must be 'true' |