mo-fouad / Alten-FrontEnd-Code-Challenge

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Alten Front End Challenge

The Project is a real-life application that shows the status of the registered cars according to their users. The application uses React, Redux, Redux-thunk and material UI in the Front end, And the backEnd is to fake a real time Data using socket.Io

alt text


in the designs Folder, there is User-Cases, userFlow, WireFrames And PSD the PSDs will be in Zip folder, to extract them just use any extractor and open them using PhotoShop, JPGs for the designs are included as well.

Run the Project

Serve to run the server please run the following in the Terminal

cd server , npm install , npm start,

the Server Will start using PORT 4001, plese Make Sure that you dont have any thing running on this PORT,

Web App to run the webApplication, Please run the following command in your terminal

cd web-app-react, yarn install, yarn start

the Application will server on port 3001, Please Make sure that you dont have any thing running on this port.

the web App built with react using webpack.

the application using ESlint & Prettier

to test Linting for the project run this yarn lint,


the Application uses Jest and @testing-library/react for unit and integration Testing and Cypress for End 2 End Testing

cd web-app-react

to run the unit Testing please run the following command yarn test and to fire up E2E testing just run yarn cypress and then, run app.spec.js



Language:JavaScript 94.2%Language:CSS 3.9%Language:HTML 1.9%