mnorrish / howto-webpack-CommonsChunkPlugin

A how to guide on using webpack CommonsChunkPlugin

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How to use webpack CommonsChunkPlugin

webpack's CommonsChunkPlugin is used to split code for a single JavaScript application into separate chunks without duplicating shared dependencies.

When should the CommonsChunkPlugin be used?

The CommonsChunkPlugin is very useful when an application has different functionality on separate routes/pages.

For example:

An application could be webpacked as a single JavaScript entry chunk with no code splitting. This is fine for small applications but it can mean that a lot of un-used code is loaded when an application has routes.

# all in a single entry chunk with no code splitting

  - app
  - routeA
  - routeB
  - routeC
  - dependency1
  - dependency2
  - dependency3

Code splitting allows there to be a single entry chunk containing the code to start the appplication. Separate chunks for each route are then loaded asyncronously as needed -- for exmaple when a user navigates to a route the coresponding chunk is loaded.

# a single entry chunk and split chunks for each route

  - app
  - dependency3

  - routeA
  - dependency1
  - dependency2

  - routeB
  - dependency1

  - routeC
  - dependency1
  - dependency3

The problem with code splitting is that multiple chunks often share the same dependencies.

The CommonsChunkPlugin is used to detect and extract shared dependencies and bundle them more efficiently.

# a single entry chunk and split chunks for each route
# optimized to reduce duplication of shared dependencies.

  - app
  - dependency1
  - dependency3

  - routeA
  - dependency2

  - routeB

  - routeC

In this example, dependency1 is moved into the entry chunk because all routes depend on it. dependency3 is kept in entry chunk and removed from routeC to avoid duplication -- because the entry chunk will already be loaded before routeC.

Code splitting

Code splitting points are defined with require.ensure(dependencies, callback, chunkName). The optional chunkName gives the resulting chunk -- otherwise a number is used by default.

  ['a', 'b'], // ensure that modules 'a' and 'b' are available
  (require) => {
    // the code inside this callback is only executed after modules 'a' and 'b' are loaded

    // can now import and use modules 'a' and 'b'
    const a = require('a');
    const b = require('b');

    doSomethingWith(a, b);
  'some-chunk-name' // the name of the resulting chunk

For an examples of code splitting in a routing situation see source/app.js

For more detail on code splitting with webpack see

Extracting shared dependencies

The webpack CommonsChunkPlugin is used by adding an instance of webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin to the plugins array in webpack configuration. Plugin options can be given to the constructor.

// webpack configuration

const webpack = require("webpack");

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    entry: './app.js'

  output: {

  plugins: [
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
      // name of the entry chunk to scan for common (shared) dependencies
      // the common dependencies will be moved into this entry chunk
      name: 'entry',

      // indicate that we want to scan for common dependencies in
      // child (code split) chunks of the named entry chunk
      children: true,

      // minimum number of different chunks (entry or split) which a dependency
      // must be used by to deem it a common dependency
      minChunks: 2

For more detail on CommonsChunkPlugin configuration options see


A how to guide on using webpack CommonsChunkPlugin

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 94.2%Language:HTML 5.8%